I feel that I am missing something obvious. I have a small IIS server app whose only job is to convert signatures saved in the ink format to png. I have a javascript function that loops through a list to get all the signatures in the ink format. It then passes the info to an XBasic function, which calls the a5_ink_to_png function to save the ink as a png on our server. The problem is that whenever I pass the ink to the XBasic function, the plus (+) signs are missing from the data. There must be some obvious way to escape the + signs that I am missing. My XBasic function looks at follows
My Alpha build is 6402. Using the XBasic debugger, I am able to do something like this
The variable str prints out with the + sign in it, so I am not sure why the + sign is missing when passed in to the XBasic function. Thanks in advance for any help.
function convertInk as c (e as p) on error goto error_handler dim flagUseViewBox as L flagUseViewBox = .f. dim ink as C = e.ApprovedBySignature dim placepk as C = e.PlacePK dim salescallid as C = e.SalesCallID a5_ink_to_png(ink,300,750,"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\appPhotos\ink_"+placepk+"_"+salescallid+".png",flagUseViewBox) save_to_file("convertInk success:ink_"+placepk+"_"+salescallid+".png" + crlf() + "ink:" + ink + crlf() + "c.ApprovedBySignature:"+e.ApprovedBySignature + crlf(), "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ServerTasks.txt", .T.) convertInk = "console.log('covertInk XBasic funtion - success');" end error_handler: err = error_code_get() msg = error_text_get(err) msg = STRTRAN(msg, crlf(), "") save_to_file("Error in convertInk: " + msg+ crlf(), "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ServerTasks.txt", .T.) convertInk = "console.log('covertInk XBasic funtion - error');" end end function
dim str as C str = "hello+hello"