I have AA v4.2 (ver 12.4.2, Build 3670, SysAdm bld 4684).
That version is good enough for me for the basic things I use in AA.
Now, I wanted to see how the google map markers work and somehow (for testing purposes) got around the "Geolocation error : Permission to use GeoLocation Service denied by user" error, that I couldn't solve under chrome, firefox and egde. I understand it requires https/ssl domain, and I only have IP "domain" from my windows vps server container.
Anyway, I'm able to get the device's Latitude and Longitude shown on the old IE and opera browsers.
The second problem arises when trying to show the Latitude and Longitude on the map, the browser displaying "This can't load Google Maps correctly", development mode etc.
I believe this is because I haven't entered the google maps js api key. I have the key for other purposes but in this AA version I don't have the option to enter the key available.
In the projects Run-time Properties -> Javascript Libraries , the options jump from "Include Google JSAPI libraries" (checkmark) to "Cordova/PhoneGap libraries". No place to do "Google Maps API key".
My question is can I somehow through a code specify in the project/component the google api key I have? Maybe somewhere in the starting javascript code?
I could see the following line in the generated source code:
A5.map._fn='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&libraries=geometry&callback=A5.map.init'; ,
where I was hoping to include the apy key. But I don't have a clue whether (and where) I can insert that program line.
Or checkboxing Google JSAPI libraries can help out with that?
I have AA v4.2 (ver 12.4.2, Build 3670, SysAdm bld 4684).
That version is good enough for me for the basic things I use in AA.
Now, I wanted to see how the google map markers work and somehow (for testing purposes) got around the "Geolocation error : Permission to use GeoLocation Service denied by user" error, that I couldn't solve under chrome, firefox and egde. I understand it requires https/ssl domain, and I only have IP "domain" from my windows vps server container.
Anyway, I'm able to get the device's Latitude and Longitude shown on the old IE and opera browsers.
The second problem arises when trying to show the Latitude and Longitude on the map, the browser displaying "This can't load Google Maps correctly", development mode etc.
I believe this is because I haven't entered the google maps js api key. I have the key for other purposes but in this AA version I don't have the option to enter the key available.
In the projects Run-time Properties -> Javascript Libraries , the options jump from "Include Google JSAPI libraries" (checkmark) to "Cordova/PhoneGap libraries". No place to do "Google Maps API key".
My question is can I somehow through a code specify in the project/component the google api key I have? Maybe somewhere in the starting javascript code?
I could see the following line in the generated source code:
A5.map._fn='http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&libraries=geometry&callback=A5.map.init'; ,
where I was hoping to include the apy key. But I don't have a clue whether (and where) I can insert that program line.
Or checkboxing Google JSAPI libraries can help out with that?