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Calendar component??

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    Re: Calendar component??

    Yet another plug for Jim. I had been using web2cal but changed to a new server and guess what web2cal quit working which really messed things up for a few days. I am totally against software models that stop working. It was a pain getting it licensed the first time and I just couldn't deal with that again. I bought Jim's calendar, which is way more versatile, and I won't have to go through that mess again. I just wish that Jim's had become available before I wasted my money.
    Win 10 64 Development, Win 7 64 WAS 11-1, 2, Win 10 64 AA-1,2, MySql, dbForge Studio The Best MySQL GUI Tool IMHO.


      Re: Calendar component??

      Just updated to V12 with Jim's calendar. We are still using some older versions of the calendar and they work. Also, I just created two new calendars with jqcalendar 4.53 and it works great.


        Re: Calendar component??

        Just another plug for jqcalendar. I had a requirement that history on the calendar had to be read-only. Very easy to implement, works perfect. Thanks again Jim.


          Re: Calendar component??

          Yet another Plug for jqcalendar. I purchased a license for web2cal - still not working in my published app despite many emails to web2cal and alpha 5 including a support incident that so far is pretty sad. In my support ticket to alpha I stated plainly I had a valid web2cal license, adn that I had contacted web2cal initially for support who in turn told me it was an Alpha5 issue and the only response to that support ticket so far from Alpha support was to ask me if I had a valid license. I think selwyn should walk across the hall and kick in someones door (which is always fun) and ask who returned a support ticket without reading it, in fact the grammer was bad (not required anyways, but I often hold tech support to higher standards than my own)

          I am complaining a little yeah but I am one of those guys that believes everything will work itself out eventually and that Alpha 5 is growing in leaps and bounds - they will get it right, and time is a small price to pay for quality.

          It would be nice to get an email from tech support thanking me for the door kicking in incident though! Or perhaps light a firecracker and roll it under the door when the guy goes to the bathroom, then when he comes running out selwyn trips the guy and says "Never mind that who answered this support ticket without reading it?" (also a tutorial video showing how they deal with bad tech support replies would be super!)

          I purchased web2cal Nov 21st, still no working calendar published as of 12/6/13

          I purchased Jims Calendar yesterday, received my serial last night and had a working calendar online within about an hr.
          I wound up staying up much later than normal reading the documentation and watching the videos.
          You cannot beat cheaper, and better documentation - that works!
          Thanks Jim and all those involved with bringing that to market. I know some folks are very happy with web2cal and it may be a great product with native alpha 5 integration but for me it did not work and I spent countless hours going over error logs, installation documentation, support emails, profile edits, etc. even deleting everything on my server and creating a fresh app all with the same non working results. Lack of support caused me to jump ship and purchase jqcalendar - glad I did!
          so in short I recommend it and at this point I am sorry I purchased web2cal
          That purchase was based on the fact that its integrated so I figured the learning curve and installation would be flawless and super easy.

          Of course, I will not give up on trying to get web2cal to work - if I do I will report back what went wrong to help someone else.
          Have fun out there and give jqcalendar a try - it worked for me!
          NWCOPRO: Nuisance Wildlife Control Software My Application: "Without forgetting, we would have no memory at what was I saying?"


            Re: Calendar component??

            Originally posted by CharlesParker View Post
            Yet another Plug for jqcalendar. I purchased a license for web2cal - still not working in my published app despite many emails to web2cal and alpha 5 including a support incident that so far is pretty sad. In my support ticket to alpha I stated plainly I had a valid web2cal license, adn that I had contacted web2cal initially for support who in turn told me it was an Alpha5 issue and the only response to that support ticket so far from Alpha support was to ask me if I had a valid license. I think selwyn should walk across the hall and kick in someones door (which is always fun) and ask who returned a support ticket without reading it, in fact the grammer was bad (not required anyways, but I often hold tech support to higher standards than my own)

            I am complaining a little yeah but I am one of those guys that believes everything will work itself out eventually and that Alpha 5 is growing in leaps and bounds - they will get it right, and time is a small price to pay for quality.

            It would be nice to get an email from tech support thanking me for the door kicking in incident though! Or perhaps light a firecracker and roll it under the door when the guy goes to the bathroom, then when he comes running out selwyn trips the guy and says "Never mind that who answered this support ticket without reading it?" (also a tutorial video showing how they deal with bad tech support replies would be super!)

            I purchased web2cal Nov 21st, still no working calendar published as of 12/6/13

            I purchased Jims Calendar yesterday, received my serial last night and had a working calendar online within about an hr.
            I wound up staying up much later than normal reading the documentation and watching the videos.
            You cannot beat cheaper, and better documentation - that works!
            Thanks Jim and all those involved with bringing that to market. I know some folks are very happy with web2cal and it may be a great product with native alpha 5 integration but for me it did not work and I spent countless hours going over error logs, installation documentation, support emails, profile edits, etc. even deleting everything on my server and creating a fresh app all with the same non working results. Lack of support caused me to jump ship and purchase jqcalendar - glad I did!
            so in short I recommend it and at this point I am sorry I purchased web2cal
            That purchase was based on the fact that its integrated so I figured the learning curve and installation would be flawless and super easy.

            Of course, I will not give up on trying to get web2cal to work - if I do I will report back what went wrong to help someone else.
            Have fun out there and give jqcalendar a try - it worked for me!
            I went to Selwyn to ask him about this - He was in a meeting so I did not get all the details Charles but apparently there was some kind of conflict with the particular set up of your machine and web2cal. He indicated that he personally had spent quite a bit of time looking at your situation. It sounds like this was not communicated back to you, but I do not know this for sure. If that is the case then I apologize for that.

            As a general statement people have been using both Jim's calendar and web2cal very successfully for about 2 years.
            Charles, I would suggest that if web2cal is not working for you, that you should consider asking them for a refund
            Richard Rabins
            Co Chairman
            Alpha Software


              Re: Calendar component??

              Thanks Richard!
              I agree - I would like to resolve it either way. I don't think I am ready to ask for a refund from them as I think the key could be of use later on.
              Like you said, theres plenty of folks using it without issue.

              Today I removed the web2cal component and associated UX and republished but for some reason even when I load jims calendar I still see a5DisplaySessionData.a5w?key=web2cal:29 and
              calling a style.js and a style.css file with a 404 (with that same explicit URL)
              "event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead."

              I used inspect element in chrome to see that...

              I dunno what it means, and so far its perplexed both alpha and web2cal why that thing doesn't load so I guess its one of those user induced things.
              You guys can expect more shenanigans from me I am sure - but still plugging away at it.

              Thanks for taking the time to respond personally! Like I said, I do want to figure it out - I'll ask for a follow up support ticket next week or so if thats ok.
              I doubt any of you are just hanging out hoping an anomaly will show up in your in boxes.

              Unfortunately from the tone of your email I assume nobody got the old firecracker under the bathroom door?

              chrome warnings.JPG
              NWCOPRO: Nuisance Wildlife Control Software My Application: "Without forgetting, we would have no memory at what was I saying?"


                Re: Calendar component??

                Dear Sir
                I got 1 problem, when i run the calendar component in live preview, its work perfectly.
                but when i publish it and i open that site, it keep on saying loading please wait

                I very very need to get this up please help


                  Re: Calendar component??

                  Originally posted by chan6587 View Post
                  Dear Sir
                  I got 1 problem, when i run the calendar component in live preview, its work perfectly.
                  but when i publish it and i open that site, it keep on saying loading please wait

                  I very very need to get this up please help
                  To run the Calendar component on a production server you need to purchase a purchased a license for web2cal
                  The Calendar Component is only an pre-built interface t the web3cal Calendar. It is a bit of a trick fro young players :(
                  Check out web2cal for pricing. I think they do s deal for Alpha, each server is $250
                  But note.... it is PER SERVER so if you want to do multiple projects/ servers, it is not cheap I am afraid.
                  An alternative is to use Jim Coltzs Calander
                  There is still an additional cost but is is less than web2cal



                    Re: Calendar component??

                    Originally posted by kiwibruce View Post
                    To run the Calendar component on a production server you need to purchase a purchased a license for web2cal
                    The Calendar Component is only an pre-built interface t the web3cal Calendar. It is a bit of a trick fro young players :(
                    Check out web2cal for pricing. I think they do s deal for Alpha, each server is $250
                    But note.... it is PER SERVER so if you want to do multiple projects/ servers, it is not cheap I am afraid.
                    An alternative is to use Jim Coltzs Calander
                    There is still an additional cost but is is less than web2cal



                      Re: Calendar component??

                      Dear sir
                      Login to which website to buy and how for the license for web2cal.Please advice. Thanks


                        Re: Calendar component??

                        Originally posted by chan6587 View Post
                        Dear sir
                        Login to which website to buy and how for the license for web2cal.Please advice. Thanks
                        Go here


                          Re: Calendar component??

                          I use Jim's component and I love it!!

                          It is worth a review.


                          I used Web2 when it was a free trial a couple of years ago but the price point was wrong.


                            Re: Calendar component??

                            I am also using Jim's calendar, I needed a calendar solution with my first ever Alpha web application and guess what, it worked out pretty good, price is affordable, support is pretty good in this forum's or in the Independent Alpha Developers Network and so far fully compatible with Alpha5.
                            Edhy Rijo
                            (Computer Consultants)
                            The makers of CardTracking.Net

