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Use Web Templates with Alpha!

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    Use Web Templates with Alpha!

    Hi All,

    I am always excited to see what everyone else is building using Alpha and I have come across some great apps. But I have to say that the "marketing pages" of the the sites range from excellent to lets be polite and say could use some improvement. By marketing pages I mean the pages that help sell your product, such as the splash page, feature page, about us page, blog etc.

    Good design is difficult no matter what tool you are using and personally I suck at it! But fortunately you can download web templates and install them on your web application on Alpha.

    For example, take a look a this site:, and in particular this template: (one of my favorites)

    For only 16 bucks you can download this template and customize it for your needs. In the end its just html pages, css and some javascript files. Your site will look like you spent a million bucks on it and you will definitely make more money selling whatever you built.

    As a techie by nature personally, I tend to dismiss out of hand the importance of good marketing/design but it really is just as important as your app. I plan to upgrade my own site with one of these templates soon.



    Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

    How would you map out the css?
    NWCOPRO: Nuisance Wildlife Control Software My Application: "Without forgetting, we would have no memory at what was I saying?"


      Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

      Hi Charles,

      The templates come with the CSS files. You definitely would not want to try and integrate the template CSS files with the CSS files for your application (i.e. one of the built in Alpha CSS styles) - both would overlap so much it would create a mess.

      Instead you would create a new CSS folder on your project and add the template CSS files to this new folder. Then on the "marketing pages" that have the template you would reference the template CSS files, and on your actual application you would use your other CSS files (i.e. the Alpha one).

      Because your marketing pages won't have any Alpha components there should be no issues.

      Does this answer what you were asking?




        Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

        Yes it does, I thought you were suggesting we use it for the application.

        As far as templates, etc. I use Serif WebPlus - it comes with alot of very modern templates, sliders and it is very easy to incorporate just about anything, even an alpha 5 app (just as you would add alpha5 into any html page editor really).

        It would be so nice to see an updated css editor for alpha 5 - I would pay for one. Alpha 5's seems very buggy - it freezes and yesterday I "copied" a style only to realize it was NOT a copy at all, tried it twice same thing. You have to edit the css manually to use rounded corners in things, or box shadows, etc. The styles that come with it are basically color variants of the same style, so really alpha seems to come with 2 styles not including the new slate one - which for some reason doesn't seem complete using a drag and drop.

        I guess it will all work itself out in time, Alpha 5 is the first program I have been able to use to get what I wanted a SAAS app.

        Back to the topic though - it would be great to see a website that offered templates and css that would work with Alpha 5 with a few drag and drops into a folder!
        I was hoping that was what you found. I am sure with A LOT of work it can be done...
        NWCOPRO: Nuisance Wildlife Control Software My Application: "Without forgetting, we would have no memory at what was I saying?"


          Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

          I agree with you guys 100%, it is really odd Alpha Five is so weak in the html/css area.

          Question, have you had any success with the A5 "Import External HTML Form" (file or string) function when creating an a5w page ? I assume it is intended to allow us to create a fancy / modern page externally, and then import it into Alpha as an a5w page. I have tried it many times and had zero luck and haven't found any useful documentation on the wiki or videos (always a chance it is there but am not finding it).


            Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

            I agree. I think Alpha has, and is, missing the boat on this one. They should hire an HTL/CSS design expert or "artist" and create a few dozen, better yet, a few hundred different aesthetically pleasing styles for Alpha web apps.

            As far as an editor goes, the existing one is too complex imo. Morfik (RIP) used to have a point and click CSS updater. Just click on an element (in WYSIWYG) and change its attributes.
            AlphaBase Solutions, LLC

            [email protected]


              Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

              I agree as well. I posted a question a while back in the forums asking if anybody had Alpha Themes available for sale. Alpha is absolutely missing the boat on this. The current views are functional but certainly not modern in appearance.

              While I am aesthetically challenged with regards to creating my own themes using the built in editor, I certainly can recognize a theme that looks appealing and modern. Hopefully somebody (ideally Alpha) will recognize this need and address it.


                Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                Originally posted by Peter.Greulich View Post
                I agree. I think Alpha has, and is, missing the boat on this one. They should hire an HTL/CSS design expert or "artist" and create a few dozen, better yet, a few hundred different aesthetically pleasing styles for Alpha web apps.

                As far as an editor goes, the existing one is too complex imo. Morfik (RIP) used to have a point and click CSS updater. Just click on an element (in WYSIWYG) and change its attributes.
                Absolutely agree 100% with you Peter, Alpha would do very well bringing in CSS artists.
                My suggestion is that they create a marketplace for templates. I for one would pay good money for really good templates.
                So it could be a low cost to zero cost project for them but provide developers with a much enhanced product.



                  Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                  Hey All,

                  Take a look at this template - it will absolutely knock your socks off - Instead of a marketing template its an "application template". All that needs to be done is to modify this template for Alpha and leave a spot to insert dialogs and grids. A full integration would probably involve customising the component CSS to work with the template and paying a license fee to the template creator, but imagine having this as a starting point for an app!

                  Steve Wood - this could be a new product you develop..



                    Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                    A follow up on my previous post...its important to note that you could build the template I referenced from scratch in Alpha ( - remember that these templates are just creative uses of html,css,jquery and javascript. But these templates are built by professional template designers and it shows. So it really wouldn't be that hard to integrate something like this into least I think


                      Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                      I have the same issue now. I have a perfect login interface in html code. And a separate login screen i created in UX component. I did not use alpha predefined login framework. I have my own login logic. I tried to use create a5w page by importing external html page...which works horrible...i do not understand how can I make html code working with my UX Component code....


                        Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                        I have been converting my Framework to Skeleton CSS Responsive Grid for layouts. Skeleton is a grid system that makes laying out content much easier, and means content conforms to the device size and orientation. Not a "template" itself but there are plenty of HTML templates made for Skeleton.
                        Steve Wood
                        See my profile on IADN


                          Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                          The {wrap}bootstrap stuff looks great, but I'd rather have the depth and flexilbity of the tools that Alpha offers to get the job done. The CSS and HTML stuff can be hooked into Alpha. I'm terrible at design, but it can be done. Try taking a web template and add all your own code making it data driven with jQuery sliders and JS lists and grids and embedded objects and absolute layout containers and then send it off to PhoneGap Build. I haven't tried... but I bet you won't get too far. However, take a system built with Alpha and you can add html and css for landing and splash pages and anything else. Just because I'm terrible at building css doesn't mean it can't be done or is even hard to do if you know css. I'd rather build a strong responsive app and then worry about making it pretty than start with a pretty template and and deal with jQuery, ruby, php, or whatever else to get the real job done.


                            Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                            The bootstrap (or grid in my example, they are different) is not a replacement for Alpha's UX and responsive mobile elements. Alpha has nothing built in to take care of the WEBSITE portion of the application, the A5W page layout, in terms of responsiveness. My Skeleton Grid goes on the A5W pages and provide NOTHING other than layout control -- no widgits, ux, controls or anything else (unless wanted). Alpha provide all of that. My Framework with responsive layout allows the Home Page (for instance) to be Mobile, not just the UX component. I do include Font Awesome if the user is on V11 (Alpha built this in to V12 recently).
                            Steve Wood
                            See my profile on IADN


                              Re: Use Web Templates with Alpha!

                              I prefer Joomla at this point or ms expression web(no longer sold) for free. You can do amazing things with them and there are thousands of themes for both. Css is easily editable in both of these. That is just 2 and I know there are plenty more available.

                              Web Plus has some drawbacks(in fact a lot), but it does hav a lot of toys as well and plenty of themes. I just downloaded a new free theme that came with 3 different css files that change all the colors or I can go into one of them and make it the way I want it. That goes to font(color/size), lines, backgrounds and other.

                              Why would we want, or want alpha to reinvent the wheel. Get your choice of website tools(making sure you have css editing support) and have at it for the front end. You can get free or low cost themes for about anything if you look a bit. Well, maybe not alpha. LOL
                              Dave Mason
                              [email protected]
                              Skype is dave.mason46

