Hi All,

I am always excited to see what everyone else is building using Alpha and I have come across some great apps. But I have to say that the "marketing pages" of the the sites range from excellent to lets be polite and say could use some improvement. By marketing pages I mean the pages that help sell your product, such as the splash page, feature page, about us page, blog etc.

Good design is difficult no matter what tool you are using and personally I suck at it! But fortunately you can download web templates and install them on your web application on Alpha.

For example, take a look a this site: https://wrapbootstrap.com/, and in particular this template: http://wrapbootstrap.com/preview/WB0412697 (one of my favorites)

For only 16 bucks you can download this template and customize it for your needs. In the end its just html pages, css and some javascript files. Your site will look like you spent a million bucks on it and you will definitely make more money selling whatever you built.

As a techie by nature personally, I tend to dismiss out of hand the importance of good marketing/design but it really is just as important as your app. I plan to upgrade my own site with one of these templates soon.

