I have a panel card the has three input fields and one button. first_name, last_name, email. the button fires a xbasic function and sends the info to an api endpoint I receive back a person_id. This works however, the button also takes me to a new panel. in that new Panel card. I want to display the person's first_name with some text. For example, thanks Jason, we need to gather a little bit more information. the fields then ask for dob and address. the button on this panel card will submit to api endpoint that has the person_id that was captured in the previous panel card in the url. for example the endpoint is PATCH {{root}}/v0/customers/:person_id My issues is that I dont know how to send the person_id within the url. I have tried "+e.state.person_id+" that doesn't seem to work. does anyone have any ideas on the best way to display the name and submit the person_id in the url? thanks, Jo