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Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

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    Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?


    Id really appreciate if someone can point me in the direction of how to implement an "are you sure you want to exit" button on a mobile UX app build.

    Similar to the following attachment. Thank you


    Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

    I'm not sure there's enough information here to fully answer this question. Web App? PhoneGap Build App?

    On a native/hybrid app, if you go through the process to minimize and swipe to close an app, there's nothing your app can, or should, do to prevent that.

    Are you talking about the back button on an Android device closing your app?


      Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

      Its using alpha anywhere latest version and a UX component, to build an app to publish up to Phone Gap.

      Having looked at most apps out there. gmail, browsers etc. But yes specifically when the back button is pressed on Android it closes the app.

      However some applications bring up an extra message box pictured above giving the user to stay in the app if pressed incorrectly.


        Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

        Ok... thanks... now you've supplied the details needed. Have a look in the Release Notes... search for Android Back Button


          Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

          Note that the solution proposed in the release notes only works for PhoneGap. I added it to a test PhoneGap app and was able to get it to ignore the Back button. I wasn't able to follow the example to have it fire another event. This is still new to me. It would be ideal if there was an event property in the IDE to handle the Android Back button and/or some Action JavaScript to assign actions.

          I'm looking for a solution that works in browser mobile apps. I'll let you know if I find a way.


            Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

            Hi Ben,

            This might be a coincidence but I too am struggling with the same issue of the back button being pressed on a Mobile Browser App ( Android devices) by the user who are habituated to go back to the previous section on your app, but instead they kicked out since they are actually going back one page on thier browser history.

            Originally posted by Ben S. View Post
            Note that the solution proposed in the release notes only works for PhoneGap. I added it to a test PhoneGap app and was able to get it to ignore the Back button. I wasn't able to follow the example to have it fire another event. This is still new to me. It would be ideal if there was an event property in the IDE to handle the Android Back button and/or some Action JavaScript to assign actions.

            I'm looking for a solution that works in browser mobile apps. I'll let you know if I find a way.
            I have sent out a request to Selywn and waiting to hear from him. I'll let you know if I find something and would appreciate the same, please.


              Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

              Originally posted by jacsolutions View Post
              Its using alpha anywhere latest version and a UX component, to build an app to publish up to Phone Gap.

              Having looked at most apps out there. gmail, browsers etc. But yes specifically when the back button is pressed on Android it closes the app.

              However some applications bring up an extra message box pictured above giving the user to stay in the app if pressed incorrectly.
              On the latest Marshmallow Android OS,

              When you access GMail via the browser at If you are inside an open email, then the back button on your phone takes you back to the inbox.
              When you access GMail via the Native App, the same thing happens.


                Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                From testing in in the standard Android browser, I am able to click on an email in my Inbox and see a nice sliding transition to the open message. If I click the hardware back button or the browser back button, it slides back to the inbox. If I click the hamburger icon, a menu gracefully slides in from the left and I'm able to hit the back button to return to the inbox. The same goes for the settings menu. This site is a great example of a web page that feels like an app on mobile.

                I have limited knowledge of the DOM, but I think this works because it is opening a new web page, or at least creating browser history. Would it be possible to configure the Panel Navigator to work this way?


                  Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                  Originally posted by Ben S. View Post
                  From testing in in the standard Android browser, I am able to click on an email in my Inbox and see a nice sliding transition to the open message. If I click the hardware back button or the browser back button, it slides back to the inbox. If I click the hamburger icon, a menu gracefully slides in from the left and I'm able to hit the back button to return to the inbox. The same goes for the settings menu. This site is a great example of a web page that feels like an app on mobile.

                  I have limited knowledge of the DOM, but I think this works because it is opening a new web page, or at least creating browser history. Would it be possible to configure the Panel Navigator to work this way?
                  I don't think that can happen with AA. On the default android brwosers, the onbeforeunload event does not fire when you press the back button.

                  Well, if you were to sperate out the modules and place a common panel navigator in top of every UX..that might an idea.


                    Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                    Does anyone else have an answer?


                      Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                      I hope someone can come up with a solution to this problem quick. The users are clicking the back button out of habit. Not only does it cause the obvious problem of data lost having to be re-entered now that the server is SSL the password has to be re-entered each login. It is a real PITA.

                      I don't want to have to use phonegap to disable the back button.

                      I have searched various sites to find a way to disable or capture the back button but nothing I have found so far works on android devices.
                      Win 10 64 Development, Win 7 64 WAS 11-1, 2, Win 10 64 AA-1,2, MySql, dbForge Studio The Best MySQL GUI Tool IMHO.


                        Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                        The topic of the Alpha weekly webinar yesterday was the Android Back Button (though most of the talk was about the PhoneGap Shell v2). Released this week is a new event called onAndroidBackButton. You can find a blurb about it in the release notes (and below). The text says it is for PhoneGap but in the webinar Chris Martin said he thought it might also work in mobile web sites. I requested (via IM) a further explanation during the webinar but the discussion moved back to the PhoneGap Shell. :(
                        UX Component - PhoneGap - Android - onAndroidBackButton - When running in a PhoneGap shell the client-side onAndroidBackButton event will fire when the user taps on the system back button. If you do not define an event handler for this event, then when your app is running and user taps on the Android Back button, your app will exit.

                        If you define a handler for this event, then when the user taps on the Android Back button, the app will not exit and the code in your event handler will execute. You can typically use this event to move to the previous 'state' of your app. For example, if the user had just opened a window, you would close the window.

                        An approach that you might take is to add a new item to a 'stack' every time the user executes an action in your app that should be undone by pressing the back button.

                        Then when the user presses the Back button you can execute the top action on the stack and then pop that action off the stack. When there is nothing left on the stack and the user presses the Back button you can exit the app. To do this your event handler would execute this code.


                        ^^^ I think they need to include code for the stack, along with examples of implementation. It seems like this would be a great opportunity for Action JavaScript.

                        Searching the online documentation for "Android Back" returns no useful matches. Sarah was in the call and said she would be updating the documentation with the release notes. I hope they build a detailed page with lots of examples.

                        I've been asking Alpha Software about the Android Back Button issue since Devcon 2014. I get the feeling that the developers are iOS users and don't experience how frustrating this issue is. A native iOS user testing on Android is not going to have the instinctive muscle reflex to hit the back button, and thus not notice the issue.

                        Yesterday I came across a mobile website for a local restaurant ( It is a responsive page that emulated an app, with no browser header/footer. The panels animate (slide) like an app. Pressing the Android Back Button emulats the browser back button and shows me the previous page (with panel animation). How did they do it? Can this behavior be implemented into an Alpha app using properties in the IDE (without hard coding)?

                        The beauty of Alpha is the extensive capabilities that can be configured through properties and without a lot of coding. In my mind, handling the Android Back Button should be implemented in properties of the IDE. If you are an iOS developer and don't know much about this Android issue, you should be able to change a few properties to implement some basic handler for this situation, and let Alpha take care of the rest. Insomuch as wanting to develop applications with Alpha that don't close when the back button is clicked, as a user I don't want to experience this in Alpha applications that are being created by others.

                        I'll get off my soap box now. I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears.


                          Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?


                          I have succesfully used this, which I copiend somewhere:

                          OnRenderComplete event I have this definitions:

                          // PhoneGap start up and initialization

                          document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() { // PhoneGap started
                          var platform = device.platform;
                          switch (platform) {
                          case "Android":

                          // back button support
                          document.addEventListener('backbutton', handleBackButton, false);
                          case "iOS":
                          if (typeof StatusBar === 'undefined') break;

                          // configure statusbar in iOS 7+

                          // Light statusbar text color. Use StatusBar.styleDefault() for dark text.
                          StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#3355AA"); // Hex RGB value, similar to CSS



                          THEN ON JavaScipt functions :

                          function handleBackButton(e) { // Android back button event handler
                          // Go through UI items in priority order to do "back" operation

                          // Confirm ending of App
                          msgResult = confirm('<a5:r>Confirm Exit</a5:r>');
                          if ( msgResult )
                          // Quit
                          else return;


                          Hope this helps,




                            Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?


                            Does this only work when the application is wrapped with PhoneGap?



                              Re: Does anyone have an are you Sure you want to exit button on a UX Mobile App?

                              Well, I have used this on Android apps ( phonegap ). Are you talking WebApp ? I do not have no idea how you could override backbutton on WebApp.

