I have a filtered list. The list has buttons in each row. One button only shows when a condition is met.
Double click on the row leaves the panel containing the list an navigates to a second panel where data entry is done.
When saving the entry, the condition needed to show the button is saved. I have found that I have to refresh the list
so I can see the button.
The trouble is that refreshing the list moves the active list row to the first row of the list.
I want to keep the active row the same as the row I was working on. In some cases, it could be row 165.
I have made many an attempt to activate the row that I was editing, but just can't get there.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
The following code is in the submit button Javascript click event.
Double click on the row leaves the panel containing the list an navigates to a second panel where data entry is done.
When saving the entry, the condition needed to show the button is saved. I have found that I have to refresh the list
so I can see the button.
The trouble is that refreshing the list moves the active list row to the first row of the list.
I want to keep the active row the same as the row I was working on. In some cases, it could be row 165.
I have made many an attempt to activate the row that I was editing, but just can't get there.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
The following code is in the submit button Javascript click event.
function tempfunction_7ce121d7_68ff_44bd_b891_25d6dbc1c3a5() { {dialog.object}.submit(); } function tempfunction_2e15d282_1c1a_41f5_8b99_93d40aa0b0cb() { {dialog.Object}.setDisabled('BUTTON_SUBMIT'); } function tempfunction_01ec0d8d_4574_4058_ae21_513e50445a04() { {dialog.object}.fadeOutMessage('{dialog.componentname}.V.R1.SAVED_MSG','Saved',2000,true); } function tempfunction_a61fb9f8_ac89_42a9_9822_fd68053a6199() { var myVar = setTimeout(myTimer, 2000); function myTimer() { var data = {dialog.object}.panelSetActive('WORK_ORDER_ITEMS',true); } } function tempfunction_01ec0d8d_4574_4058_ae21_513e50445512() { //var l = {dialog.object}.getControl('WO_Items'); //l.setValue(rowNumber,false); //alert(rowNumber); var myVar = setTimeout(myTimer, 2000); function myTimer() { {dialog.object}.refreshListData('WO_Items'); } } A5.executeThisThenThat(tempfunction_7ce121d7_68ff_44bd_b891_25d6dbc1c3a5,tempfunction_2e15d282_1c1a_41f5_8b99_93d40aa0b0cb,tempfunction_01ec0d8d_4574_4058_ae21_513e50445a04,tempfunction_a61fb9f8_ac89_42a9_9822_fd68053a6199,tempfunction_01ec0d8d_4574_4058_ae21_513e50445512);