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Runtime size comparison

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    Re: Runtime size comparison

    Well I suppose that's one way to get DT people into Web apps.
    I'd prefer not to mix the two styles though.
    Just my preference, but then I don't use Alpha for Web, only DT which is what it is excellent at doing.
    See our Hybrid Option here;

    Giving advice is dangerous.
    Giving "Good Advice" can be fatal.


      Re: Runtime size comparison

      I leave out the NOdeJS folders, all sql folders, and a few more
      Dave Mason
      [email protected]
      Skype is dave.mason46


        Re: Runtime size comparison

        i am curious about this thread, so i have few questions, obviously.
        why should 512mb runtime files should bother anybody when average computer comes with 500GB storage and 4MB memory and programs are distributed via download or dvd disk?
        why should someone knowingly upgrade to version 12 when there is no improvement on the desktop side, so nothing gained except for the headache of license expiry, renewal, subscription etc.,?

        nodeJs offers a lot of potential, like live messaging to all users on the network, push notifications, watch for events and update certain "WALL" and all of these can be placed inside a desktop form as web content frame ( yes you can also have a static html file and show that via the web content, but node js can inject content into the html file). say the manager wants to inform rest of the gang they can send push notification or put up a message broadcasting to everyone to do certain thing, like closing their terminal for one, to do the update. you can add chat feature to your desktop and the users can send and receive messages to each other, asking questions on the fly and getting answers.

        all these can be done without nodeJs as part of the alpha installation, i agree. but alpha has included the hook to integrate nodeJS within alpha that is a real hard work, may be it is better to take advantage of that rather than discard after paying for it, is that not logical?

        i do not work on the desktop side, i do not even have version 12 on top of that, so i don't have extensive knowledge or a sample workspace to experiment. i just tested my chat module on independent nodeJs installation incorporating into a dummy form. it seems to work. so the above came from that (besides the fact that i like nodeJS), not based on personal experience on a desktop application.
        Last edited by GGandhi; October 19, 2016, 08:04 AM.
        thanks for reading


        version 11 3381 - 4096
        mysql backend
        [email protected]
        Skype:[email protected]
        1 914 924 5171


          Re: Runtime size comparison

          why should someone knowingly upgrade to version 12 when there is no improvement on the desktop side
          I believe it was marketed as being necessary to upgrade in order to be compatible with Win 10.
          There can be only one.


            Re: Runtime size comparison

            i have version 11 and it looks like developer works without a problem in widows 10. the working preview on the web side does not work, i use live preview. i do not know what all the stuff do not work on the desktop side because of my lack of knowledge.
            thanks for reading


            version 11 3381 - 4096
            mysql backend
            [email protected]
            Skype:[email protected]
            1 914 924 5171


              Re: Runtime size comparison

              Stan is correct Govindan, the upgrade to V12 was indeed marketed as a fix for V11 not working on Win10, however, as you found out, V11, and 10.5 run fine on Win10.
              See my PM regarding Working Preview.
              See our Hybrid Option here;

              Giving advice is dangerous.
              Giving "Good Advice" can be fatal.


                Re: Runtime size comparison

                Unfortunately, once you edit a form in v12 you cannot go back to v11 - so something was changed...

                Discernment is not needed in things that differ, but in those things that appear to be the same. - Miles Sanford


                  Re: Runtime size comparison

                  Call me cynical but.......
                  See our Hybrid Option here;

                  Giving advice is dangerous.
                  Giving "Good Advice" can be fatal.


                    Re: Runtime size comparison

                    JUst got a new computer with 2T HD. I don't like having almost half the drive taken by one application. Clients don't either.
                    Runtime and dev need to be only what is needed for the resultant application. NO more.
                    I don't send the runtime to clients Typically. I send a copy with all out that I can safely remove. and then register the files using the installer similar to what alpha does.
                    Last edited by DaveM; October 19, 2016, 02:39 PM.
                    Dave Mason
                    [email protected]
                    Skype is dave.mason46


                      Re: Runtime size comparison

                      Could you print out a directory list of your runtime files to a text file and upload it here?

                      What's the old DOS command... ?

                      Discernment is not needed in things that differ, but in those things that appear to be the same. - Miles Sanford


                        Re: Runtime size comparison

                        I could but I removed the latest patch & reinstalled the original v12 runtime. This one has over 240 pages of files......

                        I am sure the v12 runtime with latest patch would have more pages.


                          Re: Runtime size comparison

                          JUst got a new computer with 2T HD. I don't like having almost half the drive taken by one application
                          boy, that size really means terra to a t. 1000 GB for just a program imagine with the data.
                          thanks for reading


                          version 11 3381 - 4096
                          mysql backend
                          [email protected]
                          Skype:[email protected]
                          1 914 924 5171


                            Re: Runtime size comparison

                            FOLDERS INcluded in my installs
                            amyuni 3 of them
                            report styles
                            stylesheet bitmaps
                            I have also removed some in needed files from the install.
                            Dave Mason
                            [email protected]
                            Skype is dave.mason46


                              Re: Runtime size comparison

                              Some years ago, we noticed a trend where some developers started using xdialogs on the desktop for forms because they are "disconnected" in behavior as they are not tied to an underlying table and can stand alone. Most of the forms and genies in Alpha Anywhere are actually xdialog.

                              Xdialogs are very powerful, but hard to build as they must be completely coded. Starting in Alpha Five V10, we added some support for using web components on the desktop as an alternative. But support was limited until Alpha Anywhere. There was extensive work done in Alpha Anywhere to support web forms on the desktop.

                              We have found a number of desktop application developers have moved from xdialogs to web components. One reason is they can use SQL based data much easier as SQL support in web forms is more direct than active link tables and much faster when used in the desktop. While the dbf format is fast and stable, it does have limitations, and developers are moving toward more powerful data engines such as MySQl and MS SQLServer for larger data sets

                              Some developers are using web forms on the desktop for hybrid applications that have both desktop and web elements.

                              Those are some reasons all of the browser support exists in the runtime.

                              There are also extensive additions to support SQL based data. This can be very useful even if you are not using Active Link tables. For example, many users are not aware they can create a SQL connection to an Excel spreadsheet and then treat the spreadsheet like a "database". This is extremely powerful for import / export operations.

                              If you are using legacy dbf and standard forms and browses, many of these features aren't required. But they do allow many new options to enhance the desktop experience, and we do have end users making use of these features.


                                Re: Runtime size comparison

                                Thank you JERRY for the explanation. It helps!
                                Dave Mason
                                [email protected]
                                Skype is dave.mason46

