When the updateable data is defined via primary keys using datetime datatype, there might be a bug when you use the serverside action scripting to save data in a dialog2 component.
Look at this simple case : I define a table in my SQL, the three first fields are primary keys, second and third fields are datetime data.
Then, I use the onDialogInitialize event combined with the action scripting to populate my fields. It works normally (see second and third screenshots).
To be able to save the textbox after user updates, I inserted the "save submitted data to tables" action scripting in the afterDialogValidate event. But I get the error showed on screen 4 after pushing the submit button. Look at the SQL log, the third primary key querrying the database is wrong ! If it is a problem of data format in PKs definition in the action scirpting, I can't understand why the populate action works and not the save action ...
I made the same test with a table using also three PKs but using only INTeger datatype and there is no error. I am currently using build 3828.
I am new user. It this a bug ? Can anybody confirm it ? Have I missed something ? Thanks a lot !
Dialog2 bug 0.jpgDialog2 bug 1.jpgDialog2 bug 2.jpgDialog2 bug 3.jpg
When the updateable data is defined via primary keys using datetime datatype, there might be a bug when you use the serverside action scripting to save data in a dialog2 component.
Look at this simple case : I define a table in my SQL, the three first fields are primary keys, second and third fields are datetime data.
Then, I use the onDialogInitialize event combined with the action scripting to populate my fields. It works normally (see second and third screenshots).
To be able to save the textbox after user updates, I inserted the "save submitted data to tables" action scripting in the afterDialogValidate event. But I get the error showed on screen 4 after pushing the submit button. Look at the SQL log, the third primary key querrying the database is wrong ! If it is a problem of data format in PKs definition in the action scirpting, I can't understand why the populate action works and not the save action ...
I made the same test with a table using also three PKs but using only INTeger datatype and there is no error. I am currently using build 3828.
I am new user. It this a bug ? Can anybody confirm it ? Have I missed something ? Thanks a lot !
Dialog2 bug 0.jpgDialog2 bug 1.jpgDialog2 bug 2.jpgDialog2 bug 3.jpg