Not sure it matters for this question, but I am currently using the pre-release. (June 9, 2012.)
This seems like it should be simple enough, but it is driving me crazy.
I have a grid using the single record template, so only the detail view shows, and I have linked content under the detail view.
I have a container to conditionally show some options. I placed Net = true in the show/hide expression for the field properties for the container. Works perfectly.
But I want the linked content to act the same way. The linked content section does have a show/hide expression option, and I tried to use it. First with the same Net = true expression. I also tried with quotes. With 1 instead of true. I used the object id - '{grid.componentName}.D.V.R1.NET' both with and without quotes. I tried everything with == also.
I tried to produce a JavaScript function, and without any conditions, I can show and hide the linked content based on a div, but adding in the if/else statement, I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to get the value of the field. The way I was most expecting it to work was - if('{grid.componentName}.D.V.R1.NET' == true) { ... though I would have also thought that - if('NET' == true) { ... would have worked.
I expect there is something I am missing here, but I am still too new to JavaScript, and it's use in Alpha.
This seems like it should be simple enough, but it is driving me crazy.
I have a grid using the single record template, so only the detail view shows, and I have linked content under the detail view.
I have a container to conditionally show some options. I placed Net = true in the show/hide expression for the field properties for the container. Works perfectly.
But I want the linked content to act the same way. The linked content section does have a show/hide expression option, and I tried to use it. First with the same Net = true expression. I also tried with quotes. With 1 instead of true. I used the object id - '{grid.componentName}.D.V.R1.NET' both with and without quotes. I tried everything with == also.
I tried to produce a JavaScript function, and without any conditions, I can show and hide the linked content based on a div, but adding in the if/else statement, I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to get the value of the field. The way I was most expecting it to work was - if('{grid.componentName}.D.V.R1.NET' == true) { ... though I would have also thought that - if('NET' == true) { ... would have worked.
I expect there is something I am missing here, but I am still too new to JavaScript, and it's use in Alpha.