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Mileage Calculation

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    Mileage Calculation

    Wondering if Alpha Five has any capability to calculate distance between two addresses, such as what occurs when you "get directions" from Google Maps. I know that Alpha Five can map an address. Would like to set a calculated field to determine the driving distance a location is from the home office. Displaying estimated travel time would be helpful too.

    Mike Konoff
    Thank you,
    Mike Konoff

    Re: Mileage Calculation

    I think Google Maps simply sums the distances in each "leg" of the journey. How do you propose that Alpha will be able to intuit which of many different routes the user might take? Or, how "long" each leg might be?


      Re: Mileage Calculation

      Good question. No idea. Was being hopeful there might be some nifty built in function that allows Alpha Five to interface with Google Maps to determine a distance between two addresses.
      Thank you,
      Mike Konoff


        Re: Mileage Calculation

        Peter Wayne has a script I believe in learn alpha that I use. I believe I have once posted it on the MB with an example I will look for it and post as soon as I find it or re-post.
        Mike W
        "I rebel in at least small things to express to the world that I have not completely surrendered"


          Re: Mileage Calculation

          Here you go -

          Later - This is an "ass the crow flies" distance. As for travel time.... the parameters to have those known are a bit far from mere calculations. That would be something that depends on roads and routes. Look to Google for that.
          'Date Created: 11-Jul-2003 11:40:56 PM
          'Last Updated: 18-Jun-2013 11:27:49 AM
          'Created By  : Peter Wayne
          'Updated By  : j michael wilson
          	function gcirc as p (lat1 as n, lat2 as n, lon1 as n, lon2 as n)
          	D=acos(sin(rlat1)*sin(rlat2)+ cos(rlat1)*cos(rlat2)*cos(rlon1-rlon2))
          	if sin(rlon2-rlon1)>0 then
          		gcirc.bearing=rtod(2*MATH_PI - acos((sin(rlat2) - sin(rlat1)*cos(D)) / (cos(rlat1)*sin(D))))
          		gcirc.bearing=rtod(acos ((sin(rlat2) - sin(rlat1)*cos(D)) / (cos(rlat1)*sin(D))))
          	end if
          	end function  
          'set up eval variables
          	for i=1 to 2
          		evaluate_template("dim lat"+i+" as n")
          		evaluate_template("dim latmin"+i+" as n")
          		evaluate_template("dim latsec"+i+" as n")
          		evaluate_template("dim lat"+i+"sign as c")
          		evaluate_template("dim lon"+i+"sign as c")
          	dim ptr as p
          ' set up dialog
          dim vR as C
          dim vaddr1 as C="1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C., DC 20500"
          dim vaddr2 as C="350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118"
          dim dlat1 as C
          dim dlat2 as C
          dim dlon1 as C
          dim dlon2 as C
          dim zdistance as N
          must have comma between each part - street, city, state, zip ;
          Addr 1: [.70vaddr1];
          Addr 2: [.70vaddr2];
          {sp=16}<Get Distance!get>;
          ADDR1 - Latitude: [.20dlat1] {sp=3} Longitude: [.20dlon1];
          ADDR2 - Latitude: [.20dlat2] {sp=3} Longitude: [.20dlon2];
          Distance - [.20zdistance]              ;
          <Close> <Web>
          IF a_dlg_button="Get"
          	dim zlat1 as N
          	dim zlat2 as N
          	dim zlon1 as N
          	dim vlon2 as N
          END IF
          IF a_dlg_button="Web"
          	dim vurl as C=""
          END IF
          Last edited by Mike Wilson; October 12, 2013, 11:16 PM.
          Mike W
          "I rebel in at least small things to express to the world that I have not completely surrendered"


            Re: Mileage Calculation

            I'm feeding this two straight addresses like:

            cAddressStart = "123 Main Street Anywhere TN 37918"
            cAddressEnd = "456 Central Avenue Somewhere Else TN 37922"

            As I understand it, it's free to use Google's api up to 1000 a day(?). This is just like typing those two addresses into Google maps' driving directions but with better feedback if it doesn't find a location. It's returning the number one option per Google--the top pick if you used their website.

            FUNCTION geoDriving AS C (cAddressStart AS C, cAddressEnd AS C )
            cPreppedAddressStart = stritran(stritran(stritran(cAddressStart," ","+"),"++","+"),"++","+")
            cPreppedAddressEnd = stritran(stritran(stritran(cAddressEnd," ","+"),"++","+"),"++","+")
            string = "" + cPreppedAddressStart + "&destinations=" + cPreppedAddressEnd + "&mode=driving&language=en&sensor=false&units=imperial"
            jsonReq = http_get(string)
            jsonBody = json_parse(jsonReq.body)
            return = ""
            dim pm as P
            if jsonReq.error_code = 0  'if Google does not return errors
            	'Google returns formatted addresses used in the actual distance calculation
            	'in the form "1600 Breda Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37918".  If the address is invalid,
            	'Google uses as much of the address as is valid, such as "Tennesee, USA" or 
            	'"Knoxville, TN, USA".  So if a Google-formatted address has fewer than 3 commas,
            	'the address entered was not valid for driving distance calculations
            	originAddrSections = occursi(",",jsonBody.origin_addresses[1])
            	if originAddrSections < 3
            		return = "|Invalid Origin"		
            	end if
            	destAddrSections = occursi(",",jsonBody.destination_addresses[1])
            	if destAddrSections < 3
            		return = return + "|Invalid Destination"		
            	end if
            	if like("*|*",return) = .f.
            		return = convert_type(round_up(val(jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text),0),"C")
            		if like("*ft*",jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text) 'if less than 1 mile Google returns distance in feet
            			if like("*1ft*",jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text)
            				return = "0"
            				return = "1"
            			end if
            		end if
            	end if
            	return = "|Invalid Origin|Invalid Destination"
            end if
            geoDriving = return
            END FUNCTION


              Re: Mileage Calculation

              I get an error message in V10, but works like a champ in V11 - returned "29" when I put in two addresses. Bet this took a few to get out all the kinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Cole Custom Programming - Terrell, Texas
              972 524 8714
              [email protected]

              "A young man who is not liberal has no heart, but an old man who is not conservative has no mind." GB Shaw


                Re: Mileage Calculation

                Glad it works. I'm using v11. Maybe the json_parse() didn't exist in v10? Anyway, this wasn't familiar territory for me but Google's documentation made the initial process fairly easy; it did take some effort to determine what Google did for error handling. But I've done the work in A5 so I'm happy to share, just as I've taken quite a bit of others' code and ideas from here.


                  Re: Mileage Calculation

                  Wonder why the units is 'imperial' - sounds ilke imperial would be in kilometers, but the 29 it returned for me was I think accurate in miles.
                  Cole Custom Programming - Terrell, Texas
                  972 524 8714
                  [email protected]

                  "A young man who is not liberal has no heart, but an old man who is not conservative has no mind." GB Shaw


                    Re: Mileage Calculation



                      Re: Mileage Calculation

                      ?geoDriving("3706 novus grand prairie tx 75052","4331 credit union dr anchorage ak")

                      Here is a correction in the code for distances greater than 999 miles
                      thanks to the effors of Tom McCann and myself
                      FUNCTION geoDriving AS C (cAddressStart AS C, cAddressEnd AS C )
                      cPreppedAddressStart = stritran(stritran(stritran(cAddressStart," ","+"),"++","+"),"++","+")
                      cPreppedAddressEnd = stritran(stritran(stritran(cAddressEnd," ","+"),"++","+"),"++","+")
                      'msgbox("","" + cPreppedAddressStart)
                      'msgbox("","" + cPreppedAddressEnd)
                      string = "" + cPreppedAddressStart + "&destinations=" + cPreppedAddressEnd + "&mode=driving&language=en&sensor=false&units=imperial"
                      jsonReq = http_get(string)
                      jsonBody = json_parse(jsonReq.body)
                      return = ""
                      dim pm as P
                      if jsonReq.error_code = 0  'if Google does not return errors
                      	'Google returns formatted addresses used in the actual distance calculation
                      	'in the form "1600 Breda Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37918".  If the address is invalid,
                      	'Google uses as much of the address as is valid, such as "Tennesee, USA" or 
                      	'"Knoxville, TN, USA".  So if a Google-formatted address has fewer than 3 commas,
                      	'the address entered was not valid for driving distance calculations
                      	originAddrSections = occursi(",",jsonBody.origin_addresses[1])
                      	if originAddrSections < 3
                      		return = "|Invalid Origin"		
                      	end if
                      	destAddrSections = occursi(",",jsonBody.destination_addresses[1])
                      	if destAddrSections < 3
                      		return = return + "|Invalid Destination"		
                      	end if
                      	if like("*|*",return) = .f.
                      		return = convert_type(round_up(val(remspecial(jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text)),0),"C")
                      '		msgbox("","" + jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text)
                      		if like("*ft*",jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text) 'if less than 1 mile Google returns distance in feet
                      			if like("*1ft*",jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text)
                      				return = "0"
                      				return = "1"
                      			end if
                      		end if
                      	end if
                      	return = "|Invalid Origin|Invalid Destination"
                      end if
                      geoDriving = return
                      END FUNCTION
                      Last edited by martinwcole; October 17, 2013, 01:03 AM.
                      Cole Custom Programming - Terrell, Texas
                      972 524 8714
                      [email protected]

                      "A young man who is not liberal has no heart, but an old man who is not conservative has no mind." GB Shaw


                        Re: Mileage Calculation

                        Thanks for sharing. No one in our company's driving that far, so I hadn't found that one.


                          Re: Mileage Calculation

                          Correction: remspecial() doesn't work here because Google returns things like 3.6 miles, which this turns into 36 miles. Replace
                          return = convert_type(round_up(val(remspecial(jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text)),0),"C")
                          return = convert_type(round_up(val(stritran(jsonBody.rows[1].elements[1].distance.text,",")),0),"C")


                            Re: Mileage Calculation

                            Cole Custom Programming - Terrell, Texas
                            972 524 8714
                            [email protected]

                            "A young man who is not liberal has no heart, but an old man who is not conservative has no mind." GB Shaw


                              Re: Mileage Calculation

                              Wonder why the units is 'imperial' - sounds ilke imperial would be in kilometers, but the 29 it returned for me was I think accurate in miles.
                              In the UK.
                              Martin, we are still in Imperial - as in Miles - as far as road distances are shown on road signs.
                              New cars and satnavs have the option of displaying the distance in miles or kilometres.
                              The BBC quotes both kilos and miles, depending on who is doing the presentation. We also have Celsius and Farenheight temperature scales reported at the same time.

                              Weights are in kilogrammes, and it was illegal to also have pounds and ounces - which were imperial weights - but that was overturned and we now have kilos and Lbs/Ozs on things like meat in a butchers.
                              Packaged stuff in supermarkets is all in kg.

                              We drive on the left hand side of the road, drink warm beer, and have a 70 miles per hour speed limit which few people stick to.
                              Heating oil is about 85 cents a litre - yes a litre, not in gallons any more, and diesel is nearly $1 a litre.
                              My heating oil fuel bill averages at $400 a month - but then I have an AGA running full time.
                              Electricity is around $150 a month and going up by 10%.

                              My Motor Home is German made with right hand drive - for the UK market - so the door to get into the front cab is on the wrong side. Just the controls were moved.

                              Weather is most unpredictable.

                              Are we confused buy all this? What do you think?
                              See our Hybrid Option here;

                              Giving advice is dangerous.
                              Giving "Good Advice" can be fatal.

