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How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

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    Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

    Looks good to me in build 2691-3931.
    Keith Hubert
    Alpha Guild Member
    KHDB Management Systems
    Skype = keith.hubert

    For your day-to-day Needs, you Need an Alpha Database!


      Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

      Originally posted by pulsoft View Post
      Hi Robert,

      Just got this email:

      "Selwyn Rabins [email protected]

      22:09 (9 hours ago)

      to me
      the fix will be in the next update.
      it is available now if you want to see it in the current pre-release build

      Selwyn Rabins
      Alpha Software, Inc."

      I'm going to try and refrain from being a noisy user for a while and wait for the next release.


      "Congrats Paul"

      I just don't get it. I've consistently and repeatedly uncovered/authenticated & documented many [legitimate] bugs over the years. (which usually get quick responses & are fixed) ~Maybe I'm being ignored in hopes I'll stop finding & reporting them? If so, that's disheartening to say the least. Because even though I usually find workarounds through diligence and experimentation, others might not. (Not to mention the fact that I've spent several thousand $$ for a charter subscription [including an early renewal] over the past 14 months, have a subscription now pre-paid through December 2013, and have tried to help improve/clean up their product over the past 5 years or so.) ~When I'm not engaged by my "primary responsibilities."

      ~I certainly don't expect miracles, but I do [at least] expect feedback. Especially after "going the extra yards" to properly authenticate, document and report legitimate issues. (It's very seldom that I do submit a "false positive" but it has happened occasionally.) One thing is for sure. Alpha's hearing is presently very "selective" and I've apparently been tuned out. Possibly the moral to this story is: "Don't get a subscription?" ~That's the message I'm getting right about now..... Like I said at the beginning: "I just don't get it."
      Last edited by SNusa; 05-27-2012, 12:18 AM.
      Robert T. ~ "I enjoy manipulating data... just not my data."
      It's all about the "framework." (I suppose an "a5-induced" hard drive crash is now in order?)
      RELOADED: My current posting activity here merely represents a "Momentary Lapse Of Reason."


        Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

        Hi Robert,

        My advice for what it is worth is not to get too hot under the collar with Alpha. By all means get hot under the collar, but always temper that with the advice invariably offered here by the long-termers (me excluded). They have seen it all and done it all in respect of their relationship with Selwyn and Richard.
        Selwyn is a genius but he can come across as haughty, and I for one have personally accused him of being arrogant (too much medication) when it comes to his baby (what do you mean it's wrong? - It can't be it is my creation after all...).
        I have many gripes outstanding with Alpha, primarily the lunacy that is "subscriber benefits"; but I, like you, spent a lot of time and effort choosing Alpha over competing products in particular a very sophisticated French product which fortunately for Alpha has it's own hefty helping of French arrogance with regard to the English language. And this was before the sophistication of V11 and the promise of WEB heaven...
        I too have spent a lot of money on the product and am at a point where I cannot afford to waste even more valuable time and money trying to achieve basic presentation functionality and robustness that I would expect as standard in the primary engine that is the desktop environment.
        I attended a V11 launch/workshop here in the UK last year, where Selwyn and Richard both attended. Someone in the question and answers session dared to suggest that a desktop application was still more attractive and feature rich than a web application and then had the temerity to ask would they be introducing new features and updates to the desktop as well...
        I can only report that whilst polite to the questioner, both of the brothers were essentially disdainful.
        So, there and then I realised that I should not expect too much more innovation in the desktop product. However, I assumed that existing and future issues would be addressed and in a timely manner.
        I like the idea of hybrid applications - they still have a place in corporate and even small to medium sized organisations. I am still waiting to finish "Factotum" which is primarily a desktop based contact, marketing and HR application which lends itself to web and mobile satelite apps.
        This application is a rewrite of a "Magic Software" system that is functional, robust and was easy to develop (Magic is even more RAD than Alpha) - why change it? because the cost of Magic runtime licences are prohibitive to the marketing ideas I have for the product.
        Any way, I will continue to get hot under the collar when I feel it is necessary but thanks to long-termers such as Glen I realise that Alpha have their idiosyncratic ways of getting there, some make you irate, some make you smile.
        Enough of my ramblings, let me finish by saying that I for one applaud your efforts and please continue to rattle their cages on our behalf.


        Last edited by pulsoft; 05-28-2012, 04:03 AM.


          Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

          Hi Ted,

          Originally posted by Ted Giles View Post
          Oh Great! V10.5 still busted though.
          I'm in an internet dead zone this weekend, but 1st, did anyone try a negative column width in the thread, as in -0.2?


          There are times when Alpha is probably busy with code, and working on bugs are a distraction to focusing on complex coding. Nevertheless, one should hope for a confirmation response that a bug report stages was
          • Received,
          • Duplicated in house
          • Acknowledged as a bug (in this case, I'd actually place it more as a feature request)
          • Resolved and Fixed

          There are also times when people take vacations and if you hit a small company at that time, it is difficult to provide immediate support if the key person to look at the problem is not there.

          Ira J. Perlow
          Computer Systems Design

          CSDA A5 Products
          New - Free CSDA DiagInfo - v1.39, 30 Apr 2013
          CSDA Barcode Functions

          CSDA Code Utility
          CSDA Screen Capture


            Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

            I tried a minus earlier on Ira, and the effect was to crash Alpha.
            Had to delete the form completely.
            See our Hybrid Option here;

            Giving advice is dangerous.
            Giving "Good Advice" can be fatal.


              Re: How to hide columns in a browse elegantly...

              Thank you Selwyn, just checked it in the latest test build and it works perfectly...

              Cheers again,


