Hi All
I must say that V9 is yet another great step forward some great new features.
I have taken one of V8 apps and tried to recreate it in V9.
I exported dbf's to mysql,
reimported from mysql to active links with sql_ prefix,
copied my forms to new sql active links
amended a few scripts
all took just a couple of hours.
One small problem I have is:
How do I refresh a active link table within a script.
my script works fine but additions to the table do not get reflected in the form until I close the from and reopen it.
script below
I must say that V9 is yet another great step forward some great new features.
I have taken one of V8 apps and tried to recreate it in V9.
I exported dbf's to mysql,
reimported from mysql to active links with sql_ prefix,
copied my forms to new sql active links
amended a few scripts
all took just a couple of hours.
One small problem I have is:
How do I refresh a active link table within a script.
my script works fine but additions to the table do not get reflected in the form until I close the from and reopen it.
script below
DIM tbl AS P DIM vImageFilename AS C DIM vOld_Path AS C DIM vPath AS C DIM vFiles AS P Dim Shared vExt as C Dim prod as c tbl = table.open("sql_webproducts2") vOld_Path = dir_get() vPath = UI_GET_PATH ("Enter Path","c: ", "c:\\") If vPath = "" End End if DIR_put(vPath) vFiles = filefind.first(vExt,FILE_FIND_READONLY) while .not. vFiles.eof() vImageFilename =vFiles.name() tbl.enter_begin() myimage = rtrim(vImageFilename,vExt) 'myimage = file.filename_parse(vImageFilename,"N") tbl.image_name = left(myimage,15) tbl.Full_address = vpath+vImageFilename tbl.Cd_number = CDno 'tbl.Picture = image_filename_encode(vpath+vImageFilename) tbl.enter_end(.t.) xbasic_wait_for_idle() StatusBar.robot() vFiles.next() end while DIR_put(vOld_Path) tbl.close() Parentform.resynch() end