Spent some quality time learning a bit about Alpha5 yesterday. So far, so good. I would like to create a transaction table that records status changes for clients in an HIV/AIDS program. Each client will have several things he/she can have a status change about.
I would like to create a single table for all of this. After selecting a client, users would select the status being changed from a drop down. Then, and here's the rub, only the values relevant for the status being changed, would be available. For example, if the client had a new housing status, the worker would select 'New Housing Status' from the 'Status Type' field and the 'New Status' field would include only things like "Became homeless", "Living in shelter", etc.
I realize first that theses choices would have to be fed from a table, this is preferred for a number of reasons. Question is, can you get the values in drop down 2 to change, based on the values in drop down 1? Is there an example of this in the help or in AlphaSports?
On another note, there are also certain numerical scores that will change for each client. Viral load is one, score on a psychiatric assessment is another. I can provide a separate score table and form set up to handle a numerical value. Question is, each assessment has a different range of possible scores. The viral load score might vary between 0 and 1, whereas the psychiatric measure might vary between 10 and 50. It would be good to be able to trap for out-of-range entries but the range will change for each type of assessment. Any clues?
Finally, does this approach, using a small number of transaction tables make sense? Finally, finally, will this work as well with a deskop versus and online application.
Thanks much.
I would like to create a single table for all of this. After selecting a client, users would select the status being changed from a drop down. Then, and here's the rub, only the values relevant for the status being changed, would be available. For example, if the client had a new housing status, the worker would select 'New Housing Status' from the 'Status Type' field and the 'New Status' field would include only things like "Became homeless", "Living in shelter", etc.
I realize first that theses choices would have to be fed from a table, this is preferred for a number of reasons. Question is, can you get the values in drop down 2 to change, based on the values in drop down 1? Is there an example of this in the help or in AlphaSports?
On another note, there are also certain numerical scores that will change for each client. Viral load is one, score on a psychiatric assessment is another. I can provide a separate score table and form set up to handle a numerical value. Question is, each assessment has a different range of possible scores. The viral load score might vary between 0 and 1, whereas the psychiatric measure might vary between 10 and 50. It would be good to be able to trap for out-of-range entries but the range will change for each type of assessment. Any clues?
Finally, does this approach, using a small number of transaction tables make sense? Finally, finally, will this work as well with a deskop versus and online application.
Thanks much.