Hi all,
small problem you may be able to help with.
I have v9 developement that this works perfectly with in a oninit event for a startup form. It also works with v7 developement and runtime. It does NOT work with v9 runtime.
the error comes when the script getsto ix=t.query_create() . It says field does not exist.
I have dimmed the ix as a P to no avail.
small problem you may be able to help with.
I have v9 developement that this works perfectly with in a oninit event for a startup form. It also works with v7 developement and runtime. It does NOT work with v9 runtime.
the error comes when the script getsto ix=t.query_create() . It says field does not exist.
t=table.open("slspeeps",file_ro_shared) query.filter="username="+quote(trim(scode)) query.order="" query.options="T" ix=t.query_create() ' ix is not dimmed anywhere if ix.records_get()=0 then a5.close() end if username=t.username salesman=t.salesname cellphone = t.cellphone password = t.password usernow = t.usernow permissions = t.permissions userlot = t.lot gotoileads = t.gotoileads gotosales = t.gotosales gotoother = t.gotoother gotoreports = t.gotoreports gotocsi = t.gotocsi buycar = t.buycar gotoslsschedule = t.gotoslsschedule gotoslslabels = t.gotoslslabels setupemail = t.setupemail seedealnumbers = t.seedealnumbers reshadow = t.reshadow gotocomp = t.gotocomp cleantbls = t.cleantbls gotoinv=t.gotoinv editletters=t.Editletters gotoslspeople = t.gotoslspeople editownpassword = t.editownpassword editownuserinfo=t.editownuserinfo seeallslspeople=t.seeallslspeople editpermiss=t.editpermiss gotovendors=t.gotovendors gotobanks=t.gotobanks