Payroll report takes forever to calculate. There has to be a better way. I have 40 calculated fields that use the following custom function.
I have the following set.
In order to run payroll I must first filter the tblwksht table by date. So I now have all the worksheets that were created for that day. The script runs through every worksheet and then filters the tblws_emp table by worksheet number and the desired employee. It totals the hours for that employee and then moves on to the next worksheet for that day.
This happens 40 times over. I know it is slow because it is a detailed task but how can I collect the data more efficiently to reduce the load time on this report?
'Date Created: 13-May-2009 04:39:00 PM 'Last Updated: 13-May-2009 07:31:44 PM 'Created By : Lee Goldberg 'Updated By : Lee Goldberg FUNCTION get_hrs AS N (vDateWrk AS D, vEmp AS C, vDOW AS C, vType AS C, vOT as l) DIM tblwk as p 'worksheet DIM tblwse as p 'ws_employee DIM tblah as p 'additional hrs DIM qrywk as p DIM qryws as p DIM qryah as p DIM vRecCount as n DIM vRecEmp as n DIM vWKNum as n DIM vEndDate as d vDateWrk = vDateWrk + val(vDOW) get_hrs = 0 if vtype = "Reg" .or. vtype = "Units" then tblwse ="tblws_emp") tblwk ="tblwksht") if vType = "Units" then qFilter = "date = ctod('"+vDateWrk+"') .and. val(left('"+tblwk.Bill_type+"',1)) = 3" else if vOT = .t. .and. vType = "Reg" then qFilter = "date = ctod('"+vDateWrk+"') .and. OT = .t. .and. val(left('"+tblwk.Bill_type+"',1)) < 2" else if vOT = .f. .and. vType = "Reg" then qFilter = "date = ctod('"+vDateWrk+"') .and. OT = .f. .and. val(left('"+tblwk.Bill_type+"',1)) < 2" end if qrywk = tblwk.query_create("",qFilter,"") vRecCount = tblwk.records_get() if vRecCount > 0 tblwk.fetch_first() while .not. tblwk.fetch_eof() vWKNum = tblwk.Wksht_num qryFilter = "emp_code = alltrim('"+vEmp+"') .and. wksht_num = val('"+vWknum+"')" qryws = tblwse.query_create("",qryFilter,"") vRecEmp = tblwse.records_get() if vRecEmp > 0 then tblwse.fetch_first() while .not. tblwse.fetch_eof() if vType = "reg" then get_hrs = get_hrs + tblwse.Qty else if vType = "Units" get_hrs = get_hrs + (tblwse.TOTAL_UNITS_PAID * (tblwse.Percentage / 100)) end if tblwse.fetch_next() end while end if tblwk.fetch_next() end while end if tblwk.close() tblwse.close() else 'vDateWrk = vDateWrk + val(vDOW) vEndDate = vDateWrk + 6 'ui_msg_box("",ctod(vDateWrk) + " " + ctod(vEndDate)) tblah ="tbladditional_hrs_ln") qFilter = "date_hrs >= ctod('"+vDateWrk+"') .and. date_hrs <= ctod('"+vEndDate+"') .and. alltrim('"+vtype+"')$type_work .and. '"+vEmp+"'$emp_code" qryah = tblah.query_create("",qFilter,"") vRecCount = tblah.records_get() if vRecCount > 0 then tblah.fetch_first() while .not. tblah.fetch_eof() get_hrs = get_hrs + tblah.Hrs tblah.fetch_next() end while end if tblah.close() end if END FUNCTION
tblwksht |----------->(1:M) tblws_emp
In order to run payroll I must first filter the tblwksht table by date. So I now have all the worksheets that were created for that day. The script runs through every worksheet and then filters the tblws_emp table by worksheet number and the desired employee. It totals the hours for that employee and then moves on to the next worksheet for that day.
This happens 40 times over. I know it is slow because it is a detailed task but how can I collect the data more efficiently to reduce the load time on this report?