Can AlphaFive be used to develop forms like the attached screen prints at an acceptable level of performance?
Forum member Tom Cone yesterday noted that my application set SetPerson had 11 tables and suggested that this might be unworkable in a production environment. I followed up on his recommendation and read "Simplified Alpha Five version 4 set and application design".
My problem is that I'm just getting started and planned to add perhaps another 10 to 15 tables to the set before I was finished.
This is because in even low-end CRM applications, the linking of multiple objects is taken for granted.
Can AlphaFive be used to develop screens like the attached at an acceptable level of performance?
The first screen is from lowest-common-denominator contact manger ACT! 2009, which features 11 tabs each of which is populated by 1:M or M:M relationships with other objects. For example,
Notes tab:
1:M -- a Note is linked to a single person. Person_id can be included in the note table (one link)
Contacts tab:
M:M -- the two persons are linked in a tblPersonPerson table which in turn is linked to tblPerson to display the related contact's name (two links)
Does Alpha Five have enough horsepower to do this?
Or take a look at screen 2, which shows the tabs for another low end CRM package Centerbase.
This package allows mutiple telephones and addresses. In other words, telephones, address, are yet additional tables and set links.
I haven't shown a screenprint for Goldmine but it behaves similarly.
Or realistically, is Alpha going to choke? I believe that both Act! 2009 and Centerbase were developed with Microsoft Visual Studio and Goldmine with a Borland product. I can't find a single commercial CRM package developed with Alpha Five, even though several exist for FileMaker Pro.
Note that the tabs are used mostly to display links, rather than to maintain the related object.
For example, the Cases tab displays the cases that are related to the person, but clicking on the record tblPersonCase (intersection record) typically launches a separate form to maintain Case information. One Person may be assigned to many cases and one cases may be assigned to many people.
Bob McGaffic
Pittsburgh, PA
Forum member Tom Cone yesterday noted that my application set SetPerson had 11 tables and suggested that this might be unworkable in a production environment. I followed up on his recommendation and read "Simplified Alpha Five version 4 set and application design".
My problem is that I'm just getting started and planned to add perhaps another 10 to 15 tables to the set before I was finished.
This is because in even low-end CRM applications, the linking of multiple objects is taken for granted.
Can AlphaFive be used to develop screens like the attached at an acceptable level of performance?
The first screen is from lowest-common-denominator contact manger ACT! 2009, which features 11 tabs each of which is populated by 1:M or M:M relationships with other objects. For example,
Notes tab:
1:M -- a Note is linked to a single person. Person_id can be included in the note table (one link)
Contacts tab:
M:M -- the two persons are linked in a tblPersonPerson table which in turn is linked to tblPerson to display the related contact's name (two links)
Does Alpha Five have enough horsepower to do this?
Or take a look at screen 2, which shows the tabs for another low end CRM package Centerbase.
This package allows mutiple telephones and addresses. In other words, telephones, address, are yet additional tables and set links.
I haven't shown a screenprint for Goldmine but it behaves similarly.
Or realistically, is Alpha going to choke? I believe that both Act! 2009 and Centerbase were developed with Microsoft Visual Studio and Goldmine with a Borland product. I can't find a single commercial CRM package developed with Alpha Five, even though several exist for FileMaker Pro.
Note that the tabs are used mostly to display links, rather than to maintain the related object.
For example, the Cases tab displays the cases that are related to the person, but clicking on the record tblPersonCase (intersection record) typically launches a separate form to maintain Case information. One Person may be assigned to many cases and one cases may be assigned to many people.
Bob McGaffic
Pittsburgh, PA