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V9 Patch-Upgrade

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    V9 Patch-Upgrade

    Message from Selwyn

    we have no plans for another v9 patch.
    and even if we did, it would not include the new amyuni drivers which we specifically licensed from amyuni for v10.

    Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

    Originally posted by crimmelcp View Post
    we have no plans for another v9 patch.
    if that's offcial?

    that's sad :(
    timing is everything. let it happen naturally.
    sorry to v9/v10. i'm going back to v8.

    goodluck to all and hope for the best.

    nehru l. albania
    bernabest food products, inc.
    Last edited by nehru; November 03, 2009, 04:17 AM.
    "Knowledge without application is useless."


      Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

      Message from Selwyn

      we have no plans for another v9 patch.
      and even if we did, it would not include the new amyuni drivers which we specifically licensed from amyuni for v10.
      If this is the official word then I would conclude that :

      1. The V9 bug list being created now is useless.

      2. It's impossible to sell V9 applications into the Win7 marketplace.


        Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

        Why would a new patch include updated drivers? Most of us who want a new patch is to resolve bugs in V9. The driver isn't a bug problem as windows 7 wasn't released when V9 was launched.

        Is it not possible to pay for the upgraded drivers direct with Amyuni if you do not want to upgrade to V10?


          Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

          I bought PDF functionality from Alpha. I don't care that the code was produced by a third party. It's not a driver issue (IMO) but if you want to call it that then let Alpha Software get an updated 'driver' from Amyuni.

          Microsoft is the 800 pound gorilla here and if you want to sell Windows applications, then those applications have to work with the current Windows release. The beta of Win7 was available when V9 was the official Alpha release.There was plenty of time to test and patch V9 in preparation for Win7.

          Interestingly, Win7 and V10 went on sale the same day, Oct 22.


            Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade


            It's not going to happen. You have three choices, uograde to V10, buy new Amyuni drivers or use a different piece of software to develop your product.

            The support or lack of it for V9 has been an issue for me for a long time but it doesn't look like Alpha are going to do anything. They basically stopped any bug fixes from March this year and do not seem overly interested in V9. I think they have all been caught up with the new V10 web features and that has clouded their minds with regard to disgruntled V9 users. They seem unable to comprehend that not everyone wants to upgrade to the latest version and they had a responsibility to ensure V9 reported bugs were fixed before V10 was released. Instead they just dropped V9 support back in March this year as if it was to much trouble to bother with and pushed on with V10.

            I have corresponded with Richard on this subject on a number of occasions and I appreciate the time he has spent replying however there hasn't been any movement from Alpha or acknowledgement that they should have been providing patches for V9 between March this year and the release of V10 in October.

            That being said I am not in agreement with you regarding the drivers. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that subject.


              Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

              That is a very bad decision from Alpha.

              You simply can not stop supporting software that you still sold until some weeks ago! Alpha urgently need to implement a public policy on when-what-how it moves products out of service. And that needs to be done in a proper timeframe as every other serious application already has, f.e. Adobe.
              You cannot just post a message that you will not update a product anymore that you sold to developers until some days ago!
              That is not done.

              Developers develop. We are not resellers! We need time to create our products with Alpha. If you purchased Alpha last month, chances are that your product is not even out there and already lost updating service! That is a serious, serious commercial error. So you, Alpha, are OK with it that your customers purchased a product, built an application with it, and now already must tell their customers it does not run properly on Windows v7? Absurd. Really.

              But that has happened before. Alpha is sort of "living on the edge" with it's customerbase.....
              Think back at the fuzz around the runtime licenses in previous versions. When the customer base would not have reacted on that, we would probably now pay-per-seat for a runtime....
              Instead, due to us reacting towards it, we now again have an unlimited runtime version.....

              They throw a lot of spam towards you as a customer with "special deals" every week, but are only racing forward towards "a new product". Life-span of the Alpha products for us as developers however is getting very very tiny in this way.
              That is not how it works when you want to keep your customers.
              There are more development products out there where they DO take their customers serious and not only as a money tree where you can just shake at the tree and catch new money for new versions.

              I find this very dissappointing.
              This is imho an important reason why Alpha is still a small company.


                Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                I find this very disappointing.
                I agree. See post below, No.51.



                  Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                  In a conversation with Richard, a V9 patch depends on what the bugs are. And the official accounting place is at the link below.


                  Go to and login or create an account.

                  Then go to to submit.

                  You can now upload images and/or files (zip, doc or txt).
                  Steve Wood
                  See my profile on IADN


                    Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                    It seems to be a policy through out the industry, to support 2 versions back and patch only the current version. The v9 bugs were reported before the release of v10 and must be addressed. The reluctance of Alpha to address these issues seems to suggest the issues are deep seeded. That being the case all users of v9 should be offered either a FREE upgrade to v10, or a downgrade to v8 and the choice should be the users.
                    Steven McLean
                    i3 Home Inspections
                    [email protected]


                      Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                      I'm one of the fortunate ones where I've kept my desktop code very simple. My customers want just a standalone app, so unless we get new any requests that will require V10, I can't find any justification to spend just under $800 to upgrade the development and the unlimited run time yet.

                      With that being said, a few current "nit noids:, I've been able to work around. Yes it would be nice if the browse issues in V9 were completely resolved, but I can live with it.

                      Now with that being said, I try not to think like the Desktop is completely dead for custom applications. V9 should be able to run for several years, and the bugs should be fixed. I hope that the comment that V9 is no longer competive for Desktops with Win 7. Web, maybe I would agree, but not the Desktop.

                      Just my two cents...Ryland


                        Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                        Deep-seated, you mean deep-seated. To be deep-seeded would be like being planted too far under the ground or deep within side yourself or something.
                        Steve Wood
                        See my profile on IADN


                          Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade


                          Not to say that there isn't anything wrong with A5v9 but you really can't make quite a sweeping statement as that. Sure wouldn't find many lawyers trying it in court :)

                          Could another possibility be that v9 didn't stop users from coding in unexpected ways that would cause these problems. And that to now put in those checks would just cause more havoc and complaints of "It used to work"? Instead wouldn't it be better to put those changes into a new version and trying to stop things from happening from that point forward. There have also been many comments from the very experienced devs here that they have found that most problems with v9 have been created by themselves.

                          As for what most companies do I couldn't comment on as I don't have and data to back me up. However, we have known what typically happens here which isn't what you are hoping for. What does it mean to support vs. patch? To me support means helping you get things done with the product as it is and patch means to have fixes available. I'm not getting the impression that this is what you are asking for. I think you are wanting for fixes for current and previous.

                          I'm not trying to be argumentative just trying to point out that when things get said in the heat of the moment that they don't quite come out as should. Alpha has always been very good at listening to rational discussions in the past and I would expect it to continue.


                            Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                            How about this as the beginning of a support policy?

                            Any problems found within a 90 day period (Oct 22-Jan 21) with V9 running under Win7 will be fixed. After Jan 21, 2010 V9 will be considered compatible and no more fixes will be issued with respect to Win7.

                            Anyone who wants to downgrade to V8 can do so on an AS IS basis, with the understanding that problems with V8 are no longer being fixed.

                            Problems with V9 which were found prior to Oct22 ( release date of V10) will be fixed. To be completed by Jan 21, 2010.


                              Re: V9 Patch-Upgrade

                              That looks like a fine suggestion Rob. Thank you. I particularly like the V8 suggestion.

                              Over the last two weeks my email has been bombarded with V10 advertisements and offers. Given my discontent and that of other users, the negative word-of-mouth publicity can't be helping Alpha maximize its sales or retain customers.


