I have started importing data from our College Registration System for the last 5 years. I am using the Students and Classes A5V9 database that came with my software. I have added additional fields as required for the import. Here is what has happened and I don't know if it is a bug or something I'm doing. I have the data in an Excel 2007 Spreadsheet. I have multiple tabs in the spreadsheet. The first has all all the data as imported. In the other tabs I have the data broken out i.e., Instructors, Students, Classes, etc. There are 17,635 records in the first all inclusive tab. In the Students tab I have removed all duplicates so I can load just one instance of each student which totals 7,068. When I do the import of Students from their tab (and yes, I made sure it was just the Students tab) looked at the data in view mode on the import and both tables were the same. When I ran the import, it imported the 7,068 records as it should have, but then created 10,567 blank auto numbered records for a total of 17,635 the same amount in the all inclusive tab. I have to go through and highlight the remaining 10,567 records and then do a Ctl+D to get rid of the extra blank records.

Any suggestions as to what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance,
