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Windows 7 Home Premium

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    Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

    Your statements do show a sense of entitlement. My answers are, pay the money if you want to upgrade, or just don't upgrade anything, stay exactly where you are so there is no cost, if that's what is important to you. I 'give' Alpha about a thousand dollars every couple years for upgrades to Alpha or software related to Alpha upgrades. There are plenty of other applications that must be upgraded to run on Windows 7, and at a much higher cost than Alpha. Adobe CS3 will cost me about $600.

    No one has yet been able to say if an application developed in V8 will run without modification in V10.
    This is an entitlement statement. As suggested, search this board, but it is your job to figure this out because the true answer is upgrading an app from V7, 8 9 entirely depends on the application. Someone else reporting 'success' on their particular application means very little.

    I can absolutely guarantee you that NO application will upgrade to V10 with out some modification. To upgrade to V10 without modification would also be a complete waste of money. You want to modify your application when you upgrade to V10.
    Steve Wood
    See my profile on IADN


      Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

      Hi Steve,

      Originally posted by Steve Wood View Post
      I can absolutely guarantee you that NO application will upgrade to V10 with out some modification.
      While sometimes there are modifications required, very careful planning (requires some degree of being psychic - in other words choosing the best functions and methods to use) and good code can work through many versions. My CSDA Code Utility required no new code. The install changed a bit as to the best directories that it went to, but everything else continued to work. There were specific maintenance releases that introduced bugs, but that was temporary until they fixed those.

      The web side has changed more extensively, and probably does need modifications in general.

      Originally posted by Steve Wood View Post
      To upgrade to V10 without modification would also be a complete waste of money. You want to modify your application when you upgrade to V10.
      On the web side, that is definitely true. There are just too many improvements not to take advantage of them. The desktop may not justify the improvements vs new development costs. But there are many free improvements where code run's faster without any application changes.

      Ira J. Perlow
      Computer Systems Design

      CSDA A5 Products
      New - Free CSDA DiagInfo - v1.39, 30 Apr 2013
      CSDA Barcode Functions

      CSDA Code Utility
      CSDA Screen Capture


        Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

        Following all the posts regarding my comments it has now become obvious. Quite a few years ago I purchased Alpha as it was advertised as easy to use and affordable. Both criteria were met and it was with Alpha that I developed my first relational database. In fact i still use it, but that is because it is DOS based. A case of 'if it is not broke, do not fix it'. Then a Windows based Alpha came about and I purchased that and developed applications. If needed, beacuse of advanced features, I upgraded and paid for versions of Alpha. Perhaps good marketing such as free previous version of Alpha on the front of a magazine with a time restricted version of the latest release and I paid/upgraded to that. But data is historic. It seems as if Alpha is no longer the dbm that is aimed at me as a customer. originally it was easy to use and priced at my market and wallet. Although the former may well, and perhaps I wold say IS, true. The latter is not.
        Others can show that will have to spend $1000's or �1000's on other software to cope withh Windows 7. But that is not what I am saying. In my case, when migrating to Vista, the only package I had to upgrade was Alpha. I was warned by Alpha that although my version 'appeared' to work with Vista data integity could not be assured. well for a dbm system, data integrity is important.
        Alpha is ideal for me with reagrd to easy of use for what I do. Over the years it seems as if it has matured to a product which is no longer aimed at me and the market which I represent. Perhaps 'con' a word I used in a previous post was too strong. I have missed the point. For whatever reason, be it Alphas change of target market or a reason which I am sure you can enlighten, Alpha maybe is not for me.
        Now after a further week of migrating I can report that I have met an application that does not work with Windows 7 or to be more precise IE8. Its a free application so that I can print postage stamps supplied by Royal Mail. To date, all my commercial applications work or a patch has been downloaded.
        Of course I also read that if I did pay for Alpha V10, I quote Quote:
        Originally Posted by Steve Wood
        I can absolutely guarantee you that NO application will upgrade to V10 with out some modification.

        I am afraid that, as I stated earlier that Alpha was/is easy to use, my code perhaps was not ideal so the thought of having to modify my applicaton to get it to qwork in V10 is another reason why not to follow that route.


          Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

          Also to try and make sure other users are aware---IE8 also has a compatibility view....for one or all websites. Which means it also is NOT an issue that should be a show stopper. That is, if it indeed works--am curious if it does for sure for whatever problems are found due to IE8.

          It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.
          It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
          Henry David Thoreau


            Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

            I have no idea what you problem is. Alpha 5 V9 works just fine on my Toshiba Laptop with Windows 7 Home premium. There was one minor glitch with the Amunyi print driver for creating pdfs, but someone posted a fix for that on this bulletin board.

            I do have one program that absolutely refused to run on Windows 7 - MICROSOFT Streets and Trips 2007. Microft technical support had no solution but Microsoft was gracious enough to provide me with a copy of the 2009 version which is compatible with Windows 7.

            I think that it interesting that Alpha's legacy software runs flawlessly on Windows 7 while Microft's legacy software chokes.


              Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

              Did Donjan ever get a reply from Alpha and was the problem resolved?
              It would seem that if he installed V8 or 9 with his legitimate serial number, the licensing shouldn't have been an issue.

              I thought you could run legacy programs either in compatibility mode or virtual XP with Win 7.


                Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                Could Alpha Software please put a 'sticky' post, somewhere in the forum, explaining how to configure Win 7 and the various versions of Alpha so that legacy applications work 'flawlessly'? That way the same Win 7 questions would not need to be asked and answered repeatedly.


                  Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                  If you have any recent AMD chip, or an Intel chip with "virtulization technology" enabled, then you can run Win 7 with XP Mode and Virtual PC. This should solve most all compatibility issues, but I don't know what version number the operating system returns. Go to



                    Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                    Kevin - I think I was too harsh earlier. There are definitely two groups up here - those deep in to Alpha to earn their living, where we HAVE to keep up no matter the cost. The other group is trying to maintain existing systems, and occassionally build new systems, but the focus is on the existing systems and running your business.

                    I'm part of the first group and it is harder to complain about incremental cost, it's just part of the cost of building a business. And Alpha really gives me a lot back due to my focus. But I can see how it would be more painful, more annoying really if I were focused on maintaining an existing system, especially given the changes in OS forced upon us.
                    Steve Wood
                    See my profile on IADN


                      Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                      Bill, I don't think he can install it on Home Premium - he will have to upgrade to at least 7 Professional

                      be interesting to see if 4.5 will run with it
                      Cole Custom Programming - Terrell, Texas
                      972 524 8714
                      [email protected]

                      "A young man who is not liberal has no heart, but an old man who is not conservative has no mind." GB Shaw


                        Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                        Whoa. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium and I'm running Alpha5 Version 8 Professional Edition (not the application server version). There is a bit of confusion about the compatibility mode. I am not using the XP compatibility mode (virtualization) which only comes with Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate. Rather, I'm telling Windows 7 to run Alpha5 Version 8 as if I'm running Windows Vista. This setting is found by right-clicking the shortcut to Alpha5 Version 8 in the start menu, then left-clicking on Properties.

                        Here's a screen shot of the properties tab:

                        If the image link doesn't work, it's

                        Just click Run this program in compatibility mode for and choose Vista SP2.

                        Hopefully this will clear up some confusion.


                          Re: Windows 7 Home Premium

                          Thanks Charles!

                          I also upgraded to Windows 7 recently and and V9 did not run anymore.

                          I can now run my V9 under Windows 7 again using you suggestions to run it in compatibility mode for Windows Vista SP2.

                          regards, Ron

