Is anyone familiar with EDI Mapping. I would like to map certain fields to a particular EDI software which would be sent through a third party van to a customer. Looking for the best way to go about this?
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EDI Mapping
Robert EmerickTags: None
RE: EDI Mapping
Hi Robert....
I have done some EDI with Alpha software, I wrote data to a file that
would import into an EDI software for transmiting. The EDI software
gave a brief explataion of the necessary field delimiters & formatting
for the file to import correctly. I would check the EDI software that you
will be using to transmit the transactions for inforamtion regarding import
file requirements. I believe that the "clearing house" was Harbenger ... Who
will your transactions be going through? Maybe I can be of some more help?
Good Luck!
Robert Emerick
RE: EDI Mapping
Hello Doug,
Thanks for replying. Our van or third party is Kleinschmidt. The software we are using is from Qualedi or Eventra. I have checked with Alpha and Eventra and didn't have much luck. We are key entering our data now and it is becoming too much. Is there any software out there specifically designed to interface? Any more ideas let me know.
RE: EDI Mapping
Hi Robert,
When I worked with Harbenger, they offered a "port" utility, $2900.00
The client wasn't ready to spend that kind of money, I managed to write
a script that would generate a file that would import directly into the
EDI software. When you key the data into Eventra it may have a "print to file"
option, if so, that should generate a simple text file, from that you can get
an idea of delimiters & formatting. If that option is not avaliable....
EDI is a standard, & its just not polite these days to create a software that
has will not let you import your data into it. If you have contacted Eventra,
contact them again, & ask about being able to import a formatted text file into
their software. When they create the file to transmit, they are reading data from
a database & write a text file & send it to a modem... most seem to use a third
party communication software like Pro Com or something similar. So if they are
writing a text file how much more trouble is it to include an import function
that will read that same format into their database?
Alpha is very capable of writing a text file with the proper formatting, you may
need to brush up on you xbasic, these are some of the help topics you will be
using to write the file....
.create(Filename, Open Mode)
Bytes Written = .write_line(Text Line)
Bytes Written = .write(Text [, Number of Bytes])
.create(Filename, Open Mode)
=, Open Mode)
Position = .pos_get()
.seek(Byte Offset)
Character = CHR(ASCIIValue)
Number of Bytes = .bytes_get()
These are a few of the topics that will help,I don't know how comfortable you
are with xbasic, but either way I would suggest that you think through
the logic of what you want to do & put it on paper. Then search the help files
for the function or method to complete each part of the task.
Jim Rowlen
RE: EDI Mapping
It's pretty easy - eventually. (You might want to create special browses and indexes to confirm data integrity at each conversion stage, especially for the first few test runs.)
First, there is usually a pre-standard involved, or the firm your exchanging data with has its own. If the latter, get the infor from the firm. For a pre-defined industry standard/subset, find out from the firm your exchanging the data with what the standard is, and where you can get a copy describing the file layouts (header/trailer info, field type, name, other desc, size, expected/allowed values, what those values indicate, and, in the case of dates, sometimes they format them YYYMMDD and MMDDYYYY in the same files). Chances are the firm will be able to provide you with the layouts.
The files are usually standard ASCII. Write an operation which imports the file (this is usually the biggest pain - getting the field sizes, start, and end to match). Writing an operation to move it to a safety copy (append to an existing file) is usually a good idea. First, if something screws up you don't have to re-import. Second, you might have more than one file to translate. (We get between 0 and 14 a night. Since they're work orders of up to 10K records, and are appened to 2 files of over 350K and another of 275K records, I only want to process and append all that once.) This is where I convert their field names to ours, and change the obligatory 1 or 2 char fields into something more readable, and text representations of dates to regular date fields. Since our system uses auto-increment to indicate each transaction, I also make sure that the first record's ID doesn't overlap existing orders' IDs.
Now write an xbasic routine to convert their codes to your,
split fields in to one or more (ie: full name to first name and last name - make sure you test for JRs, etc, and put them in the last name). Some of the fields we use are based on one or more of the other guy's fields (ex: if work ordered = type A then we set 4 other fields used to do other stuff to what we want them to be, sometimes these other values are based on multiple fields : Field1 = A, Field2 = X might make our OurField = "123" while Field1 = B, Field2 = X might make our Field3 = "456", unless their Filed3 = "Z", in which case our Field3 = "abc", unless a search in previous work history or an AlwaysCancelThisWorkCode in a master table for the record of this client's record indicates that the order is to be cancelled automaticaly (mis-order by a user), in which case it is added, marked AutoCancel, and flagged to go to the rsults file at the end of the run and gets automatically converted back to their codes and transmitted). What a pain.
After you've converted everything over adn confirmed the data, then you just append it to whatever file your manually entered work is done in now and continue the process.
For sending EDI, just revrese the process. If you are sendning the data to an EDI clearing house / router, then arrange with them for you to send a couple test files in so they can check it and do a test run to make sure it doesn't get rejected by their system. In our case it comes from whatever the client is using, goes to an system (no idea what kind), to an IBM mainframe, over to another IBM mainframe, then to a Tandem, then to ours. If your data doesn't convert cleanly you know something in that chain is going to break. If for no other reason than so that you night guy is going to call you at 3 AM and tell you you have to come in to fix it.
Robert Emerick
RE: EDI Mapping
Hello Jim,
Thanks for replying. It sounds like there is a little more involved here than I have the time or expertise at this point to accomplish. Have you set up an edi programs like this?
Robert Emerick
RE: EDI Mapping
Thanks for replying. It sounds like there is a little more involved here than I have the time or expertise at this point to accomplish. Have you set up an edi programs like this? I developed the billing database from Alpha 5v4 that we are using but have no familiarity with mapping for edi.
RE: EDI Mapping
Hi Robert....
I have written xbasic scripts that generate a text file from table data for
import into EDI software. The client that I wrote the application for had
specific transaction criteria. The clearing house for the trading partners also
had specific formating criteria for importing into their EDI software. If the
EDI software that your trading partners are using has the functionality for
importing a formated ASCII or Text file into it, then it is within the scope of
Alpha5 V4 to write such a file.
If you are interested in working through the xbasic & just need a nudge to get
you started... I believe that I have a copy of the script I wrote for the EDI
application. I was using Alpha 5 V 1.1 at the time. If you would like I could
send it to you to examine. The xbasic syntax has changed a little with the
newer release of Alpha 5 V4, & I will have to change out any critical billing
information before I can send it to you.
If you are asking me if I would be interested in looking at this, please
email me so we can discuss this off of the forum.
Jim Rowlen
RE: EDI Mapping
(I was tempted to answer by just saying "Yes" - one for an industry standard format, and one for a client-specific standard. Both designed so that the EDI file returned could be run from the same program by selective branching.)
Set up the import/export in v1, slightly modified it for v4.03. Haven't had time to translate the inbound or outbound programs that convert between the EDI format and ours. It's in Quick Basic X (extended, replacement to 4.5). If you have QB I might be able to zip them up and send it all to you. (Code is rather lengthy for a word processor, and has MANY subprograms.) First I'd have to know what industry you are in (I have a non-compete contract and this is proprietary).
(The problem with converting it is that in QB I use called subroutines/subprograms and a lot of GOSUB/RETURN structures because of the complexity of the conversion. Too complex for top-down programming, and I haven't gotten A5 to not continue processing a script where it calls another. You could probably do it using functions, but fortunately I've been to busy to look at that approach. In fact, this is really the only area I don't like about XBASIC in A5 - the lack of a GOSUB / RETURN structure.)
A simple way to start would be to first read in the EDI file as text strings. In our case, there are 5 BIG strings (EDI records) per transaction. Then you can either get the specific porion of each string that applies to a specific field and convert it using SELECT (usually more convenient than IF) and other stuff. After modifying the data to match your system, write the record and if you're not at the end of the file, get and process until you are.
You could alternatively create an intermediary file. After importing the text strings, strip the file down to matching fields and then process your data conversion. (It would be better to use A5's import operation, especially if you have an idea of what the data is supposed to look like, so that you can confirm that you are breaking the data up correctly.) The only problem is that if you don't use a big string to read it in as, you could end up not correctly reading/processing header and trailer records (holds info such as who is sending the file, the date, and the trailer with counts).
1. Import EDI file as big strings
2. Extract and process header info
3. Concatenate strings for same transaction (if applies), append to new work file
4. In a script, convert/format values in work file to your data requirements
5. In the same script write each record to your tables (in our case it's faster that way than appending 10K records to 2 files because of the index build time for 350K + records)
Outbound - revrese the process
1. Have mechanism to get the records you want to send (we use a field to flag for this in a master control file with key fields common to the transaction header and support tables), and write the records to a temporary workfile)
2. Translate the data back to EDI standard
3. Write holding file with each record in a nice big string of all values (PAD EXTRA SPACES TO MATCH SIZE)
4. Export it as a text file for upload, preceded with your header and followed by your trailer.