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PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access & FM P

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    PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access & FM P

    News Flash - Leading Computer Publication Rates Alpha Five v5 #1. Beats out MS Access and Filemaker for their Top Buy.

    Alpha Five version 5, in a head to head shoot out, was rated the NO 1 Top Buy By PC USER Magazine in the July 2004 Test Bench issue.

    The results were:

    Alpha Five version 5 scored 9.5/10

    Pros: Easy yet powerful, Smart Fields do the work for you, Extensive Help system
    Cons: None

    FileMaker Pro version 7 (just released) scored 8.5/10

    Pros: Enhanced relationship model, Easy to Learn,
    Cons: Script Language lacks Oomph

    MS Access 2003 scored 8/10

    Pros: Powerful, Excellent statistical and data analysis tools
    Cons: Steep Learning Curve

    In Summarizing why they recommend Alpha Five as their top pick, PC User

    "If you have been intimidated by Access and frustrated by FileMaker, Alpha Five offers the perfect path.
    Its clever interactive programming model makes it possible to accomplish things previously best left to developers.
    While developers will find their productivity increased, Alpha Five v5 comes close to being a universal database tool. If you are keen to develop Web based Applications, keep an eye out for version 6 of Alpha Five"

    Additional comments for their testing were:

    "In trying to choose a (desktop) database frequently engenders the Goldilocks Syndrome: this one is too hard and this one is too wimpy. Alpha Five is the database you've been looking for. Alpha Sofware is a two-decade veteran of the database market, and that experience is evident in this elegant balance of strength, flexiblity and ease of use. Alpha Five does everything possible to remove the barrier between simple database construction and taking database development to the next level of complexity. Inbuilt field rules, step-by-step scripting (far more powerful than Filemakers's, numerous genies (Alpha Five's equivalent to Microsoft's wizards), email and Microsoft Office integration, make Alpha Five extraordinarily easy for newcomers, while the xBasic and xDialog languages, give developers and advanced users full throttle. The soon to be released version 6 is loaded with web smarts."

    Richard Rabins
    Co Chairman
    Alpha Software

    RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

    Congratulations Richard!

    It is about time the world woke up to the power and freedom of Alpha Five.

    When Ver6 hits the market there will be no looking back.


    Marc King


      RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

      Thanks for your kind words Marc - even if I do agree with them!

      In fairness the congratulations really go to Selwyn and the team of truly remarkable developers and documentors we are lucky to have working with us on this mission!

      I wish everyone could really get to personally know folks like Cian, Kurt, Lenny, Aaron, Eavan, Pawan, Ed and others. They are truly gifted and dedicated.

      Richard Rabins
      Co Chairman
      Alpha Software


        RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

        Let me add my congratulations to all of you. And even though I don't know any of the other people you named I can agree wholeheartedly that they are truly gifted. The evidence of their abilities is obvious in Alpha 5.


          RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

          I would also like to add my two cents. Alpha five is meant for professionals at all levels and for all backgrounds.It is truly an innovative product and I wish more of the avarage and occasional PC user gets exposed to the simplicity and versatility of this product . Richard, my warm congrats to you and the alpha team.
          Why don't we start another thread where we get to see and meet all the "brains behind alpha five"

          Dr Alok Modi MD


            RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

            That�s wonderful news, Richard!

            If they love v5, they'll be blown away by v6! The hard work of the Alpha staff is finally beginning to reach the masses. As for Alpha's programmers, they are clearly in a league by themselves. I really don�t like to flatter or massage people�s egos, so that is not my intent. But I have always felt that the Alpha database product has some genius to it. Version 5 has brought that genius to fruition, and v6 will amplify that on a grand scale. It is truly a pleasure to work with such a flexible, powerful and forgiving database. Congratulations again and wishing Alpha the great success that it so deserves.

            AlphaBase Solutions, LLC

            [email protected]


              RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

              One stupid question please!!

              I have taken great pains to learn alpha five V5.0(and yet learning)
              Will V6.0 change all that?
              Do I have to learn all over again or will it make my life easier, you know expression builders etc, syntax of functions?
              Will I have to rebuy Pace manuals again?
              Pardon for asking this question at this thread.

              Dr Alok Modi MD


                RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

                No, no and no. Previously, from v1 to v3 there was a complete change and quantum leap. Since then, everything has been pretty much backwards compatible. Think of v6 as v5 on steroids. The same body, but much more muscular & powerful.
                AlphaBase Solutions, LLC

                [email protected]


                  RE: PC USER Rates Alpha 5 v5 #1 over Access &

                  THE jpeg of the article is at
                  Richard Rabins
                  Co Chairman
                  Alpha Software

