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    Any news of developments, proposed features, release dates etc?

    A5V6 seems to have gone quiet.

    RE: A5V6

    The online Webhelp ( now includes the A5V6 features and there is a What's New section.


    Lenny Forziati
    Vice President, Internet Products and Technical Services
    Alpha Software Corporation


      RE: A5V6


      If you follow the thread Lenny gives, or if you download the new A5 help file, you can get a good feel for V6 - at least in its beta configuration. It look like a (new) killer product!

      Dave Jampole

      Women and cats will do whatever they want. The sooner men and dogs realize that, the happier they will be.


        RE: A5V6

        Any idea on general release date?


          RE: A5V6

          I have just bought Version 5. When you guys release version 6, what happens to people like us? What are the options for upgrading for ? I had purchased version 5 with 3 user runtime just 5- 7 days back.

          Dr Alok Modi MD


            RE: A5V6


            From a previous post by Lenny within the past few days, there will be a separate track at the Alpha DevConf on V6. Should be SRO.

            Dave Jampole

            Women and cats will do whatever they want. The sooner men and dogs realize that, the happier they will be.


              RE: A5V6

              Version 5 owners will receive preferential pricing and people who have bought version 5 within a time window of the release of version 6 will receive additional consideration.

              As we get closer to release of version - we will be able to supply a lot more details on pricing and upgrade options
              Richard Rabins
              Co Chairman
              Alpha Software


                RE: A5V6

                Just been to the help site - looks great. Does any body know what software was used to creage this web help page? I am working on a Alpha Help file using Help & Manual and want to put it on the Web. Can any body help me?


                  RE: A5V6

                  Testing on Version 6, including the Web Application Server, continues and is going very well.

                  To get an idea of SOME of the features in version 6 please visit Alpha's home page, click the Learning Center tab, and in Help Files, check out Alpha Five Web Help (WebHelp). Click on the �What's New" link.

                  Alpha version 6 will be shown and discussed at our upcoming conference with a special track dedicated to the web server

                  More information regarding the conference will be found shortly on our home page, or by visiting 2004 User Conference forum, within Alpha's Message Boards.

                  We would love to see you at the conference!!

                  Conference Details

                  May 14 - 16, in Bedford, Massachusetts.

                  Register now and save $100! The conference fee is $395. Register early for the conference to be entered in the drawing to win one (1) FREE ticket to the "Spirit of Boston" dinner cruise on the evening of Saturday, May 15th. The drawing will be held at the expiration of the early registration deadline from the list of early registration names. Early registration ends, Friday April 30th. After Friday, April 30th, the conference registration fee will be $495.

                  If you would like to be considered as a beta tester please reply to [email protected].

                  Please include a paragraph about your experience with Alpha Five and some background info on you and your company.

                  ;-) Jeannette Cook
                  Alpha Software Customer Service


                    RE: A5V6

                    A peek at the source code reveals:

                    (Document created with RoboEditor. )

                    That might help.


                      RE: A5V6

                      John there is a private message board on the version 6 beta for people who are working with the beta

                      Anyone wanting to join the beta test "team" should please email a request to [email protected] -- please to sure to include a paragraph or two on your background and on your use of Alpha Five up until now
                      Richard Rabins
                      Richard Rabins
                      Co Chairman
                      Alpha Software


                        RE: A5V6

                        Will the bugs reported for version 5 be fixed in version 6? We purchased the package a couple months ago and have been having to work around a bug. The bug causes printing problems when a group header is the last line on the page. It has been reported twice and both times was identified by a tech as problem in the program.

                        What sort of upgrade compensation do recent purchasers get (especially if they have had to work around a bug all that time)?


                          RE: A5V6

                          Isn't it about time to just call your product
                          Alpha 6....A5V5 is so much more powerful than anything before it in the A5 series. A6 has such a nice ring.

                          Are you making any market share inroads against Filemaker and the Evil Empire's Access??

                          Looking forward to the Beta!


                            RE: A5V6

                            Thanks for the post!

                            We are definitely making inroads and with the advent of web capability and connectivity in v6, indications are that these inroads will be accelerating.

                            Also we have a very seasoned external PR and marketing team working with us on the launch of version 6. This along with other factors, we believe, will help us spread the word on the kind of productivity that can be achieved with Alpha. Some of the clients this team has represented in the past is shown at the end of this post. This PR/Marketing team will also be attending the conference and will be very open to feedback and suggestions.

                            If at all possible, we would like to welcome as many of you to attend the conference this year.
                            As most of you realize, you are a key part of growing community of people who have discovered and re-discovered Alpha. The conference is not designed per se to be a profit center but rather its goal is to be a unique ONCE a YEAR opportunity for everyone to get together, to share ideas and to leave inspired about the possibiliites of what can be achieved (especially with what we have coming)

                            Partial list of Clients Served the Company working with Alpha on the launch of V6

                            * Attachmate Corp. (Bellevue, WA)
                            * Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (Santa Clara, CA and Israel)
                            * Cheyenne Software, Inc. (Roslyn, NY)
                            * CMP Media (Manhasset, NY)
                            * Communications Week (Manhasset, NY)
                            * Enterprise Computing Group, CMP Media (Manhasset, NY)
                            * Full Circle Software, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA)
                            * Hewlett-Packard Co., Roseville Networks Division (Roseville, CA)
                            * IBM Networking Hardware Division (Research Triangle Park, NC)
                            * Infinity Info Systems, Inc. (New York, NY)
                            * Landmark Research International (Clearwater, FL)
                            * Lexmark International, Inc. (Lexington, KY)
                            * Loran Technologies International, Inc. (Vienna, VA and Ottawa, Canada)
                            * McAfee Associates Inc. (San Jose, CA)
                            * MCI Telecommunications Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
                            * Motorola Inc., Network Systems Group (Mansfield, MA)
                            * National Computer Security Agency (NCSA) (Carlisle, PA)
                            * NetGratus (San Francisco, CA)
                            * Network Associates Inc. (Santa Clara, CA)
                            * Network Equipment Technologies Inc. (Redwood City, CA)
                            * Network General Corporation (Menlo Park, CA)
                            * Novell Inc. (Provo, UT)
                            * Relay Technology, Inc. (Vienna, VA)
                            * Remedy Corporation (Mountain View, CA)
                            * Seagate Software (Scotts Valley, CA)
                            * Secure Computing Corp. (San Jose, CA)
                            * Shiva Corp. (Bedford, MA)
                            * Symantec Corp. (Cupertino, CA)
                            * 3Com Corp. (San Jose, CA)
                            * 3M Telecom Systems Division (Austin, TX)
                            * XcelleNet, Inc. (Atlanta, GA)
                            Richard Rabins
                            Co Chairman
                            Alpha Software


                              RE: A5V6

                              I am praying that you will beef up the letter & report writer by adding a "grid" function similar to MS Word's "table" function. I & many others have been asking patiently for years.


