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Try a Search First
It is highly recommended that a Search be done on your topic before posting, as many questions have been answered in prior posts. As with any search engine, the shorter the search term, the more "hits" will be returned, but the more specific the search term is, the greater the relevance of those "hits". Searching for "table" might well return every message on the board while "tablesum" would greatly restrict the number of messages returned.

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ATEC Event in Atlanta

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    ATEC Event in Atlanta

    I'm going -are there any other UK users planning to go. It's always very worthwhile.

    Bob Whitaker

    Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

    Hi Bob

    Not sure at present, really want to go but the timing is not good for me this year due to existing commitments.

    Glen Schild

    My Blog


      Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

      Hi Glen hope you find a way to make it all fit.

      There seem to be some good deals on getting to Atlanta right now so I have booked my ticket before prices rise further due to oil cost.

      Bob Whitaker


        Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta


        This conference will be a great time to meet, greet, and catch up with other Alpha users and developers that do what you do. There will be plenty of opportunities for networking at the conference, especially during breaks between sessions, at lunch, at dinner, after the sessions are over, and in the evening session "recaps".

        Get �hands-on� training led by Alpha experts in basic, intermediate and advanced instruction. Get instructional step-by-step guides, templates, samples, and more take-aways. Here are some of the learning opportunities that will be presented in the sessions:

        - Developing Web Applications with MS SQL Server
        - Under the Hood of Alpha Five
        - AJAX
        - Introduction to SQL
        - Getting Started with Xbasic Programming
        - Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets for Web Pages
        - Build a Web Application (4-part series)
        - Working with Active Link Tables
        - Enhancing Components at Runtime
        - Going from Desktop Application Development to Web Application Development
        - See all conference sessions and descriptions

        Best practice sharing and expert advice available on the spot to assist you in enhancing your application development skills. Get your questions answered right away. Focus on development by bringing your application with you to get help on finishing it or to get your application started.

        1. Networking opportunities
        2. Lecture sessions
        3. Structured training forums (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced)
        4. Evening session recaps **
        5. Sessions will cover v8 and v9 Platinum

        ** New this year :) - The recaps will provide everyone with an opportunity to ask additional or follow up questions from that days' sessions. It will also include an opportunity to ask questions or get explanation of sessions that will occur the next day. These recaps will provide more opportunity for learning, and networking too!

        � Register by August 22nd -
        For more information, visit the conference website
        Click here to register now


        �I truly enjoy coming to the conference because I get to meet face to face other Alpha users and developers from around the world. It�s good to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. I would say that I gained most from conversations over dinner or at lunch. The way ideas flow from chance remarks is invaluable.� � B. Whitaker (United Kingdom)

        �This year's conference was better than last years� for me. No fluff! Just some real good examples of "this is what to do, and here is how you do it". Code and examples were freely shared. When you have some real "MEAT" to bring on home and use, you feel like you got your money's worth. That is what made this year's conference GREAT! Even if the session went too fast for you to understand, you at least had a guide to take home and follow step by step instructions to refresh your memory and learn from what was demonstrated!� � D. Blank (Carrollton, TX)

        �It was good to see a lot of attendees sharing their work, ideas, and helping each other all during the conference. There were laptops pulled out in the meeting rooms, in the lobby, and at the lunch and dinner tables. The pool-side discussions were good too. I also liked the concentrated session format.� � K. Jackson (Wichita, KS)

        �This year's format contained something for everyone, from new 'Alpha-ites' to the seasoned developer. The interaction of presenters and 'class' during the sessions was a benefit I really appreciated. I learned something in every session I attended and was never made to feel my question or comment wasn't 'worthy'. All the presenters were excellent and the presenters who had to fill in did an excellent job with sharing their knowledge with us all.� � T. Hernacki (Schaumburg, IL)

        �I made an effort to attend this year (after having missed the last several years) and I'm GLAD I did! The solo talks & panel discussions were excellent and there was plenty of time for Q & A with the audience. The choice to distribute the presentations on thumb drives was inspired. It was great to rub shoulders with other Alpha Five users and developers. Saw lots of old friends, and was able to put faces to many of the names I've become familiar with on this board. Made me realize how much I'd missed by not attending in previous years! Personally, I came away from the conference inspired to extend my Alpha knowledge in two distinct areas: (a) building web apps; and (b) learning more about how to interact with SQL databases through Alpha Five.� - T. Cone, Jr. (Lutz, FL)
        Valerie Simpkins
        Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
        Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
        [email protected]


          ATEC - Atlanta

          As the event draws ever nearer are there any other UK developers planning to attend ?

          I have booked my travel and my place and would highly recommend the event to anyone who has not attended before. This years programme looks the best ever.

          Bob Whitaker
          Bob Whitaker


            Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

            ATEC 2008 Conference Workbooks
            Without a doubt, one of the most amazing things you will get at ATEC 2008 � Alpha Five Technology & Education Conference this year is the conference workbook. The workbook will be a complete guide with:
            • detailed step-by-step instruction
            • comprehensive notes
            • screen captures and graphics that follow right along with your sessions
            • sample files and templates

            Inside the workbook you'll find comprehensive content for your session, so you can sit back, relax, and soak in the techniques you're learning, knowing that you've got detailed notes to refer back to after the conference. You'll find yourself referring to this workbook again and again, long after the conference is over, because it's packed with information you can only get at ATEC 2008.

            Best of all, you not only get content for the sessions you attend--you get content for every conference session. This is a one-of-a-kind workbook that is one of the things that will help make ATEC 2008 a truly unique experience, and this incredible resource is all yours when you attend.

            For more information, visit the conference website
            Click here to register now.
            Valerie Simpkins
            Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
            Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
            [email protected]


              Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

              ATEC 2008 � Conference Schedule

              The conference schedule is now available. Plan your schedule for this three day, all day event packed with plenty of learning opportunities. You get to pick the sessions you want to attend. Please note that some sessions will repeat. Don�t forget that you will receive a full Conference Workbook. So you can sit back, relax, and soak in the techniques you're learning, knowing that you've got detailed notes to refer back to after the conference. You not only get content for the sessions you attend--you get content for every conference session. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get immediate answers, get advice, and get assistance.

              View the conference schedule
              See all conference sessions and descriptions

              WHAT TO EXPECT
              - Networking opportunities
              - Lecture sessions
              - Structured training forums (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced)
              - Evening session recaps **
              - Sessions will cover v8 and v9 Platinum

              ** New this year - The recaps will provide everyone with an opportunity to ask additional or follow up questions from that days' sessions. It will also include an opportunity to ask questions or get explanation of sessions that will occur the next day. These recaps will provide more opportunity for learning, and networking too!

              � Register by AUGUST 22nd -

              For more information, visit the conference website
              Click here to register now
              Valerie Simpkins
              Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
              Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
              [email protected]


                Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                ATEC-2008 Conference Speakers
                One of the best reasons to attend ATEC 2008 � Alpha Five Technology & Education Conference is the unprecedented gathering of top-notch presenters, leaders, and experts. Core developers, unique users, and visionaries share their knowledge with you to help you solve your computing or programming challenges.

                Pat Bremkamp, MindKicks Consulting
                Pat began using Alpha Software products in 1990 when, as VP Manufacturing for a high tech company in Oregon, he was quoted $295, 000 to build a quality data tracking/customer reporting system. Instead, he purchased Alpha Four and a couple PC's and built the system in his spare time for $290,000 less. When Alpha Five was released, he upgraded the application, eventually networking in 20 pc's locally and more over a WAN to subsidiaries in California, Texas, and Indiana. Over the next 13 years, that system ran 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and was eventually copied and installed at the parent company in Japan.

                In 1993, Pat opened his own consulting company, MindKicks Consulting, specializing in Creativity and Innovation, and naturally used Alpha Five to run his business. However, when Version 7 was released with web functionality, Pat's focus immediately changed to wed development, and web applications are now his full time business.

                Pat has created web applications for non-profits in four states, a quality assurance application for a medium sized high tech company, an on-line inventory application for small auto dealerships. Pat works regularly with other Alpha developers around the country who are moving their applications to the web, and is a frequent contributor to the message board.

                Migrating from Desktop Application Development to Web Application Development
                Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets for Web Pages
                Building Personalized & Reusable Web

                Jerry Brightbill, Alpha Software
                Jerry began using Alpha Software products with Alpha Four version 2, which he used to track inventory and compute sales and costs. His initial exposure to computers came while earning a Mechanical Engineering degree in the days of analog computers and early main frames using punch cards, and progressed through DOS based point of sales systems to the current web based systems. Jerry has worked with Alpha Five from version 1 to the current version in a number of industries, including the Marine industry and the Heavy Equipment industry.

                Jerry currently works as a programmer for Alpha Software is the architect of the Alpha Five Web Security System. He also does independent consulting and development in Alpha Five. Jerry has many applications in commercial use, specializing in complex web-based solutions. Applications include sales tracking in the Marine Industry, random drug testing software; web based contact managers, specialized web search engines, and large enterprise web applications using SQL databases. Jerry has developed a number of add-ons for Alpha Five, including the Calendar and Toolbox add-on.

                E-mail address: [email protected]

                Under the Hood of Alpha Five
                Debugging & Troubleshooting
                Implementing Web Security
                Enhancing Components at Runtime
                Working with Active Link Tables

                David Brown
                David Brown is a web application developer, trainer and database consultant specializing in Alpha Five and SQL Server systems design, development and implementation. He has more than seven years of programming, relational database, and web application development experience and has served as lead developer on many high profile application development and conversion projects.

                He developed, an online database solution that helps consumers manage warranty, insurance and rebate information for items that they purchase. He has expertise in the following programming languages, development tools, and technologies: Xbasic, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, SQL Server databases, MS Access, and MySQL.

                E-mail address: [email protected]
                Web site address:

                Building a Web Application (4-part series)
                This four-part series will be an intense series of sessions where attendees will build a complete web application. The session will cover creating a web project, web profile, server configuration, using Alpha Five and SQL data sources for the web application, creating components, setting up security, filtering, adding Xbasic to pages and events, and much more.

                John Bunch, Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.
                John is an expert in both Windows and Linux platform programming and administration. He has a vast experience with ASP, ASP.NET, VB.Net programming, SQL Server 2000/2005 programming and administration, XHTML/CSS/Javascript design and development, Moodle extension development, and Blackboard/WebCT. John is a Microsoft Certified Trainer 9MCT), Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA), and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). John has developed web interfaces and custom web applications. John has many years of training experience.

                Introduction to SQL
                Database Fundamentals

                Frances Peake, Proctor & Peake, Inc.
                Frances Peake is President of Proctor & Peake, Inc., a professional web and database solutions company. She has over 20 years experience helping people get the most out of Alpha databases, first as Alpha Software�s Manager of Technical Support and Quality Assurance and then, since 1990, as a full-time, independent consultant, trainer and developer.

                Frances�s company develops custom database applications for both desktop and web. Alpha Five is Proctor & Peake, Inc.�s preferred development tool. Recent web projects include: customer service, claims and billing for a vision care insurance plan; third-party administration of social security and disability payments; tracking participation in a not-for-profit�s scientific programs; managing bookings for special-interest tour groups. Desktop applications include: order tracking and costing for manufacturing companies; processing and reporting inventory data for retail, pharmacies and warehouses.

                In addition to managing development projects, Frances provides training and coaching to individuals who are developing their own applications. She has been a speaker at the last seven Alpha Five Conferences and hosted several Alpha Five webinars on behalf of Alpha Software, Inc.

                E-mail address: [email protected]

                Getting Started with Xbasic Programming
                Developing Web Applications with SQL Server

                - Register by AUGUST 22nd -

                For more information, visit the conference website
                Register today: click here
                Sessions: List and descriptions
                Conference Schedule: conference schedule
                Valerie Simpkins
                Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                [email protected]


                  Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                  ATEC 2008 Conference Registration Reminder IT�S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER!!


                  Conference Information:
                  Conference Website
                  Valerie Simpkins
                  Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                  Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                  [email protected]


                    Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                    ATEC 2008 Conference Registration Reminder IT�S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER!!

                    REGISTER NOW AND ENTER TO WIN A FREE IPOD TOUCH! Register Now

                    Conference Information:
                    Conference Website
                    Valerie Simpkins
                    Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                    Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                    [email protected]


                      Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                      REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN...NO LATE FEE!!
                      Register Now

                      Conference Information:
                      Conference Website
                      Valerie Simpkins
                      Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                      Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                      [email protected]


                        Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                        ATEC 2008 Conference Registration Reminder

                        REGISTER NOW AND ENTER TO WIN A FREE IPOD TOUCH! Register Now

                        Conference Information:
                        Conference Website
                        Valerie Simpkins
                        Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                        Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                        [email protected]


                          Re: ATEC Event in Atlanta

                          It is with great pleasure that I share my thoughts with you following our conference. In the three compact days and evenings, the conference delivered the most up-to-date, practical, and advanced technical information for Alpha Five. And, provided attendees with a venue for enhancing knowledge, making valuable contacts, and getting the support they needed to solve real business problems. Their smiling faces, "aha" moments, sharing during lunch, at the bar, and in the meeting rooms let me know that we accomplished what we set out to do. My thanks go to many people for helping make this conference happen. In particular, I'd like to thank Pat Bremkamp, David Brown, John Bunch, Jerry Brightbill, and Francie Peake who worked hard to make this a success. The additional time that the presenters have taken to document and share their ideas is greatly appreciated.

                          It was a pleasure to welcome back those not attending for the first time and are glad that they were able to establish new contacts and continue to expand their network of trust. To our first time attendees, we hope that they felt at home and welcomed them to our ATEC family. You can visit the conference website to see a short video (windows media format) from the conference. We were so involved we forgot to take photos from beginning to end. The photos do not have everyone in attendance represented because we were too busy and often had a hard time tearing them away from the sessions.

                          We hope next year everyone can place it on their schedule for September 10th - 12th and make arrangements to attend because plans are now underway for ATEC 2009, so look for future announcements. Don't forget to tell your colleagues as well.

                          P.S. It was great to have you back at the conference Bob Whitaker and Ton Spies :)
                          Valerie Simpkins
                          Intellectual Business Solutions, Inc.�
                          Business Intelligence for Intelligent Business�
                          [email protected]

