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netmailer filter problem

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    netmailer filter problem

    i want to send an email to a single record (customer) using a html page i built but also to include table fields.

    i may be wrong, but using the send email, doesnt seemto allow html, but can include fields.

    i have this code on a button on a form to send a netmailer job and filter to the current record. as far as filtering the current record and sending only one email, great, no problems.

    dim flag_error as l
    flag_error = .f.
    if is_object(topparent.this) then 
    	p = topparent.this
    	if eval_valid("P:Field322.value") then 
    		DELETE Parameter1 
    		'Set the Parameter variable to the object's .value property
    		Parameter1 = eval("P:Field322.value")
    		flag_error = .t.
    	end if 
    	flag_error = .t.
    end if 
    if flag_error then 
    	ui_msg_box("Error","Field322 does not exist. This script cannot be run in this context.",UI_STOP_SYMBOL)
    end if 
    filter = "Cust_id = [varC->parameter1]"
    query.filter = replace_parameters(filter,local_variables())
    query.order = ""
    a5_run_netmailer_job("[email protected]",query.filter,query.order)
    the problem i have is that the filter is then set in to the netmailer job, so the next time i want to send an email to a different record, its not sending because a filter is sitting in the job.

    does anyone know how i can clear the filter after the email has been sent or another way to send a html based email which will allow me to include fields from the record.



    Re: netmailer filter problem

    i now have html embedded in an email without using netmailer (it picks up from a template using this code)

    'Send an e- mail message using the Alpha Five e-mail clilent.
    if is_object(topparent.this) then 
    	form_name =".this"
    	form_name = ""
    end if
    dim pm as p
    Dim message_type as c 
    message_type = "HTML"
    _to_var  = a5_eval_expression("=Cust1_Email",local_variables())
    param_to = _to_var
    subject_var  = a5_eval_expression("=\"welcome\"",local_variables())
    param_subject = subject_var
    param_cc = ""
    param_bcc = ""
    message_text = file.to_string("C:\Documents and Settings\R Harris\My Documents\Alpha Five V9\Bio Partners\default.html")
    pm.html_message = evaluate_string(message_text)
    param_message = pm.html_message
    attachment_list = ""
    param_attachments = alltrim(attachment_list)
    'Send the e-mail using the Alpha Five e-mail client
    but i still cant figure out how to add field names here.

    so i have two ways but neither are perfect.


      Re: netmailer filter problem

      ok, got this so far,using send email, email building ok, but field is not being populated

      'Send an e- mail message using the Alpha Five e-mail clilent.
      if is_object(topparent.this) then 
      	form_name =".this"
      	form_name = ""
      end if
      Dim message_type as c 
      message_type = "html"
      _to_var  = a5_eval_expression("=Cust1_Email",local_variables())
      param_to = _to_var
      param_subject = "\"welcome\""
      param_cc = ""
      param_bcc = ""
      message_text = <<%a%
      <meta name="generator" content="Alpha Five HTML Editor Version 9 Build 1902-3137">
      <title>Bio Partners Ltd</title>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
       <div align="center">
         <table width="725"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
             <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
               <tr align="left" valign="top">
                 <td colspan="8"><img src="" width="725" height="42"></td>
               <tr align="left" valign="top">
                 <td width="191"><img src="" width="191" height="30"></td>
             <td height="190" align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="725" height="190"></td>
             <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
               <tr align="left" valign="top">
                 <td align="center" style="width: 409px">
      		   <table  border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style="width: 721px">
                       <td height="40" align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="378" height="34"></td>
                       <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="MainText"><strong>Dear [COLOR="Red"]<%a5 alltrim(customer->cust1_name)%>[/COLOR],</strong></p>
                         <p class="MainText">Thank you for the courtesy extended to me over the telephone recently, further to 
                         your interest in our company, the realisation of climate change posing a greater threat than the global 
                         economic freefall recently experienced is more frightening than the odd bank and building society going 
                         broke, and we all have a role to play in averting this potential global catastrophe.</p>
                         <p class="MainText">What we are trying to do here is to create awareness of the major roll bio-fuels have 
                         in cutting green house gas emissions, in December 2008 the EU made even bigger cuts in GHG emissions and 
                         of course they will be legally binding. The result will be a market driven by demand but very short on supply..</p>
                         <p class="MainText">We at Bio Partners have recognised the need to supply sustainable second generation bio-fuel 
                         crops that harvest annually without the need to fertilise or burn back previous growth and more importantly do 
                         not complete in the food chain, thus not causing more hardship for the poorer peoples of the world through higher 
                         basic food prices.</p>
                         <p class="MainText">Jatropha Curcus is the key to our huge plantation strategy, a tree that bares an oil seed or 
                         physic nut which is non edible to both humans and animals, but when crushed it will expel between 30 to 35% of its 
                         own weight in pure non edible vegetable oil, then refined through a transesterification process to create pure 
                         bio-diesel and bio aviation fuels.</p>
      				   <p class="MainText">I would ask you to look at our web site for more details, but more importantly how you and 
      				   your family can benefit from joining our growing membership, the first link can be copied and pasted to your web 
      				   browser which will give you access to our 
      				   <a href="">web site</a>.</p>
      				   <p class="MainText">
      				   <a href="">Click here</a> to see a news item about Air New Zealand who recently made 
      				   a test flight using a Boeing 747-400 fuelled with bio aviation jet kerosene as a J50 fuel blend using Jatropha 
      				   as a 50% mix with mineral jet kerosene.</p>  
      				   <p class="MainText">Sincerely,</p>
      				   <p class="MainText">username field here</p>
      				   <p class="MainText">for Bio Partners</p>
               <map name="MapMap">
                 <area shape="rect" coords="107,19,183,33" href="Jobs.php" target="_top">
             <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="725" height="99" border="0" usemap="#Map2"></td>
             <td height="121" align="center" valign="middle" background="Images/FooterBack.gif"><a href="AboutUs.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   About Us</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Legislations.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   UK &amp; EU Legislation</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="BioFuel.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   Biofuels</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Projects.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   Project Locations</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Investors.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   Investors</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="ContactUs.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
      	   Contact Us</a>         <p class="FooterText">Copyright �2008 Bio Partners 
      	   Limited. All rights reserved</p></td>
       <map name="Map">
         <area shape="rect" coords="107,19,183,33" href="#">
       <map name="Map2">
         <area shape="rect" coords="0, 4, 237, 98" href="InvestmentCal.html" target="_top" alt="Investment Calculator">
         <area shape="rect" coords="242, 0, 480, 112" href="Projects.html" target="_top" alt="Project Locations">
         <area shape="rect" coords="488, 4, 730, 116" href="#" target="_top" alt="Bio Fuel">
      param_message = message_text
      attachment_list = ""
      param_attachments = alltrim(attachment_list)
      'Send the e-mail using the Alpha Five e-mail client
      i have coloured red the database field (to make it easy to find)


        Re: netmailer filter problem

        Hi richard,
        Noone answered so here is a complete guess as am certainly lacking in html knowledge.

        Sure seems to me that the
        <%a5 needs a ? after it such as
        <%a5 ? alltrim(customer->cust1_name)%>
        Saw this somewhere, sometime ago and only think it might be relevant to your situation.
        It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know.
        It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
        Henry David Thoreau


          Re: netmailer filter problem

          finally got it, mike it was an old post of yours that got me there

          here is the final code, which works. hopes this helps others.

          key things i found, tags must be <<%a% not <<%html%
          must declare a Global variable for the dynamic data (fields from db)
          must ammend this line to evaluate the body
          'param_message = evaluate_string(message_text)'
          final working code (although as tags are not html, you need to add breaks after every paragraph <br/>)

          'Send an e- mail message using the Alpha Five e-mail clilent.
          if is_object(topparent.this) then 
          	form_name =".this"
          	form_name = ""
          end if
          dim GLOBAL cust_Name as c = (customer->cust1_name)
          Dim message_type as c 
          message_type = "html"
          _to_var  = a5_eval_expression("=Cust1_Email",local_variables())
          param_to = _to_var
          param_subject = "\"welcome\""
          param_cc = ""
          param_bcc = ""
          message_text = <<%a%
          <meta name="generator" content="Alpha Five HTML Editor Version 9 Build 1902-3137">
          <title>Bio Partners Ltd</title>
          <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
          <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
           <div align="center">
             <table width="725"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                   <tr align="left" valign="top">
                     <td colspan="8"><img src="" width="725" height="42"></td>
                   <tr align="left" valign="top">
                     <td width="191"><img src="" width="191" height="30"></td>
                 <td height="190" align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="725" height="190"></td>
                 <td align="left" valign="top"><table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                   <tr align="left" valign="top">
                     <td align="center" style="width: 409px">
          		   <table  border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style="width: 721px">
                           <td height="40" align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="378" height="34"></td>
                           <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="MainText"><strong>Dear [COLOR="Red"]{cust_name}[/COLOR] ,</strong></p>
                             <p class="MainText">Thank you for the courtesy extended to me over the telephone recently, further to 
                             your interest in our company, the realisation of climate change posing a greater threat than the global 
                             economic freefall recently experienced is more frightening than the odd bank and building society going 
                             broke, and we all have a role to play in averting this potential global catastrophe.</p>
                             <p class="MainText">What we are trying to do here is to create awareness of the major roll bio-fuels have 
                             in cutting green house gas emissions, in December 2008 the EU made even bigger cuts in GHG emissions and 
                             of course they will be legally binding. The result will be a market driven by demand but very short on supply..</p>
                             <p class="MainText">We at Bio Partners have recognised the need to supply sustainable second generation bio-fuel 
                             crops that harvest annually without the need to fertilise or burn back previous growth and more importantly do 
                             not complete in the food chain, thus not causing more hardship for the poorer peoples of the world through higher 
                             basic food prices.</p>
                             <p class="MainText">Jatropha Curcus is the key to our huge plantation strategy, a tree that bares an oil seed or 
                             physic nut which is non edible to both humans and animals, but when crushed it will expel between 30 to 35% of its 
                             own weight in pure non edible vegetable oil, then refined through a transesterification process to create pure 
                             bio-diesel and bio aviation fuels.</p>
          				   <p class="MainText">I would ask you to look at our web site for more details, but more importantly how you and 
          				   your family can benefit from joining our growing membership, the first link can be copied and pasted to your web 
          				   browser which will give you access to our 
          				   <a href="">web site</a>.</p>
          				   <p class="MainText">
          				   <a href="">Click here</a> to see a news item about Air New Zealand who recently made 
          				   a test flight using a Boeing 747-400 fuelled with bio aviation jet kerosene as a J50 fuel blend using Jatropha 
          				   as a 50% mix with mineral jet kerosene.</p>  
          				   <p class="MainText">Sincerely,</p>
          				   <p class="MainText">username field here</p>
          				   <p class="MainText">for Bio Partners</p>
                   <map name="MapMap">
                     <area shape="rect" coords="107,19,183,33" href="Jobs.php" target="_top">
                 <td align="left" valign="top"><img src="" width="725" height="99" border="0" usemap="#Map2"></td>
                 <td height="121" align="center" valign="middle" background="Images/FooterBack.gif"><a href="AboutUs.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   About Us</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Legislations.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   UK &amp; EU Legislation</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="BioFuel.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   Biofuels</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Projects.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   Project Locations</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="Investors.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   Investors</a> <span class="FooterText">|</span> <a href="ContactUs.html" target="_top" class="FooterText">
          	   Contact Us</a>         <p class="FooterText">Copyright �2008 Bio Partners 
          	   Limited. All rights reserved</p></td>
           <map name="Map">
             <area shape="rect" coords="107,19,183,33" href="#">
           <map name="Map2">
             <area shape="rect" coords="0, 4, 237, 98" href="InvestmentCal.html" target="_top" alt="Investment Calculator">
             <area shape="rect" coords="242, 0, 480, 112" href="Projects.html" target="_top" alt="Project Locations">
             <area shape="rect" coords="488, 4, 730, 116" href="#" target="_top" alt="Bio Fuel">
          param_message = evaluate_string(message_text)
          attachment_list = ""
          param_attachments = alltrim(attachment_list)
          'Send the e-mail using the Alpha Five e-mail client
          you wouldnt believe how long i have spent on this, why cant there be a sample in the help file. not to invoke a long discussion, but the help files really could do with improving... and not just telling us what we can do, but how to do it. remember i bought this because its for non progammers.

          thanks again mike.


            Re: netmailer filter problem

            more, only single breaks <br> not double.

