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Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

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    Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

    A few moments ago I received a phone call with an unusual request. I am describing the request as unusual because I�ve never done anything like this before, it involves AUTOMATIC data entry of numerous records over an extended period of time [scheduling]. Obviously I haven�t had time to think about a solution, but it certainly sounds like a fascinating challenge.

    I work with a company that provides transportation to Senior Citizens [people who remind me of Steve Workings]. A large part of the employee�s time is spent entering repetitive information into A5 month after month. Obviously the owner would love to eliminate much of that repetitive data entry.

    He went to a software show last week where one of the applications demonstrated how it can figure out patterns and AUTOMATICALLY enter repetitive data. Sounds pretty good to me. Of course after seeing that type of automated data entry, he asked me if I could do the same with our A5 application.

    I told him, to the best of my knowledge, A5 couldn�t go through the current data, ascertain patterns, and then automatically enter new data for regular customers. However, I did tell him that I could probably create something similar where the user could press a button and perform certain automated functions.

    As stated above, I haven�t had much time to think about a solution, but I definitely know I will need big-time help on this one. If you are interested in helping, here is the challenge:

    Regular Riders are defined as those seniors who, meet the following conditions:

    [1] they ride 3 or more times per week
    [2] they are always picked up at the same time and location
    [3] they are always transported to the same destination
    [4] they are always picked up at the same time
    [5] they always go on the same days such as Mon. Wed. Fri.

    In essence, the senior citizen�s key information never changes, it's very similar to the Quicken 3 for DOS and Wordstat applications that Steve Workings still uses.

    The only thing that changes are the dates and that could be a problem. Here are the pertinent fields I extracted from the table where ride information is stored. I hope everything lines up evenly.

    ID Character [04]
    Fname Character [12]
    Lname Character [18]
    Regular Character [01]

    Date_Pickup Date
    Time_Pickup Character [05]
    Pickup_Location Character [20]
    Destination Character [24]
    Destination_Zip Character [05]
    Time_Return Character [05]

    Escort Numeric [01]
    Pass Character [04]
    Type_Fare Character [06]

    Off the top of my head, I know we will need a Regular_Rider one character Y or N field, so I just added it to the table.

    My first thought is creating a button wherein Xbasic searches for and finds all Regular_Riders [Y]. A5 will then enter their static information [the fields listed above], for let�s say, one month ahead of time. This is where it really gets interesting as I�m wondering how I can possibly do this? I am very confident some of the sharp members of this discussion group will come up with some excellent ideas and/or suggestions.


    RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

    OK, off the top of my head:

    I would think a set would work well, with the permanent patient info in the parent, and the transportation dates in the one-many browse. This would mean all you have to enter "automatically" is the next trip date and a couple other fields (?), which should simplify your problem.

    At the beginning of each day, you might have a script run from AUTOEXEC which searches records based on certain criteria (i.e., when the child was last updated), and then prompt you before entering new child record or records (I've suggested the prompt, because whenever you think you've covered all the bases, SOMETHING new comes up, and the prompt would allow you to abort).

    If this is going the direction you intended, let us know. I or someone else can probably give you further ideas.


      RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

      I had a similar challenge in scheduling cares for home care patients. They got the same cares, but on different days (MWF, T,TH, Sat, Sun) these choice were presented in a pick list, that also entered the DOW for each day (Sun=1, Sat=7). Then when Wed comes along cdow(date()) or dow(date()) = 4, all riders with a "4" in the schedule, get a visit/or pick-up in your case. Every-other week or every third week pickup I haven't figured out yet, but week-of-month added to day-of-week should be doable.




        RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

        Hi Bill:

        I appreciate your response, however, I think you may have misunderstood the nature of my question. I already have the appropriate tables and sets. Data entry currently works smoothly & seamlessly as the user simply enters the customer's ID number. Once that ID is entered, A5 fills in virtually all of the fields automatically with little or no intervention from the user. Data entry, one record at a time, is not a concern. I am not asking for that type of help.

        I was talking about a complex script that goes to the another level. Let me try to explain it with a simple example.

        A senior citizen is always picked up at 11 am [1100 hours], always taken to the same destination, and always returns home at 1 pm [1300 hours]. And let's say that happens every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, nothing changes except the dates. Instead of the user manually entering the same information for that customer 3 times a week and probably 12 times per month, I want to write a script to automate the process.

        In such a scenario, the user will simply click on a button, select a starting / ending date, such as May 01, 2001 through May 31, 2001. The XBasic script will enter the above user's schedule for every Mon. Wed. & Friday that falls between the May 1st and May 31st.

        In addition, Alpha will do it for EVERY CUSTOMER who has a "Y" in the Regular field as described in my original post.

        Is this possible? I think it is but I need some creative suggestions, I need someone to point me in the right direction or tell me it cannot be done.




          RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

          Yes it can be done. I do it to schedule crews. They go on different repeats (weekly, two weekly, monthly, quarterly) on the same day, or last friday, or whatever.

          Get each tasks parameters into a table:
          Taskid (Links to Schedule)
          Repeat_type (Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
          Repeat_num (7, 14 etc) if Monthly, repeat is type Monthly, repeat 1, If quarterly, type monthly repeat 3.

          Write a little script with a loop, each loop adds a record to the schedule.
          Taskid (links back to each task header)

          You have to delete records if the schedule changes. The set will index on taskid, so we can do a quick count. If the count is not 0, we enter a delete routine to remove the old schedule.

          It is not as hard as it looks.


            RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

            Robert, Do you need the script to evaluate if an individual senior qualifies as a repeat passenger? If yes, you could just decide what or how many qualifies him or her and then query the table and do a records_get(). If it meets the criteria, use a seperate logical field mark him or her as .T.. and so on... using the .T. as the value to script out who gets automatic entry in the schedule creation. By fetching those passengers last rides for a week or a month (what ever the time frame) you could load all the variables needed to enter the next 10 years if you want. Once you have that script all you would have to do is modify so it would fetch through the qulified seniors one at a time and schedule them.


              RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !


              I wonder if the user might like a spreadsheet type presentation? the scheduled events (services) could be displayed for a specified date range using a browse object and a temporary table. User just walks through the dates, marking the ones they want to use. Like marking off checks that clear while doing a reconciliation in Quicken. You could even include a button on the form to 'mark all' in the displayed date range. Giving the user an easy way to make an exception or two might be appreciated... Anyway once the desired choices are marked you could append them back to the main data table.

              -- tom


                RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !

                Hi Stephen:

                I didn't get many responses to the very difficult challenge I posed to the members of this discussion group. Out of the very few I did receive, I would say, your response was the closest to the type of solution I think is needed. Could you expand a little upon your suggestion because it still is somewhat murky in my mind?




                  RE: Repetitive Data Entry/Scheduling Challenge !


                  I don't think the methodology is particularly hard to add records. I would, however, add a field to skip a particular entry (rather than delete) when they call and cancel (for whatever reason like holidays, Doctor appts, etc) for that pickup. Also, I would assume there are cases where they go one way, and someone else would return (or take) them.

                  The easiest way to look for patterns is to search their last 3 or 4 weeks or so of entries, and see if they repeat (for example, same date and time in x out of y weeks), and if so, add the entry. Trickier items to ascertain (and specify) can be the 1st Monday of month, 2nd to last Monday of month, etc, but I've done that in the past. It generally requires ascertaining the day of week, week count (positive is from begining of a month, negative is from end of the month). The date math is beyond most, but is definitely doable. Other items are the same fixed days of the month (sometimes moved to the closest day of week that falls, say on a non-weekend)


                  Ira J. Perlow
                  Computer Systems Design & Associates
                  [email protected]

                  Ira J. Perlow
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