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    A5V4 is a windows program, so you can use the backup program in Windows 9_ or ME. Backup to your A drive or a Zip drive if the files are large.



      thank you very much. I am a piano technician and updated files from old version and had lots of problems updateing from alpha 5 v 1. I am learning all over again. I have another question. Why cant we use ctrl F to search in browse like we can in form view? Patrick


        RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

        I duno, Cause Alpha didn't program it? (humor) I can't do it either. Either Alpha didn't program it for a specific reason or simply overlooked it.

        TYVM :) kenn

        Knowing what you can achieve will not become reality until you imagine and explore.


          RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

          Thanks, I have been fighting that for 3 days. hehehehe


            RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

            I prefer zipping my files as I back them up, to save space in the archive.

            There an article at Dr. Wayne's www.learn site that describes an approach to this. An Alpha Five script builds a DOS batch file, which when run, zips everything up and copies it to safety. Requires a zip utility to do the heavy lifting.

            -- tom cone


              RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

              To search from a browse using a form would require knowing WHICH form to use...The default is often unwieldy.
              In the form view the default "search by form" is the form in use.

              You could define your browse as an embedded browse on a form, maybe on a tabbed object to show lots of browse, and then you would have both options.


                RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4


                It may be a picky point but:

                Ctrl-F is for 'Find by Form' which, of course, only works in forms.

                Ctrl-K is for 'Find by "index> Key' which works in both forms and browses.

                My suspicion is that a 'Search by Form' from a browse table would be difficult because the browse table by definition holds multiple records. This might make it difficult to program. Besides, I personally would not like to have to scroll back and forth in a browse table to create a complex lookup. It's much easier for the user when all the necessary fields are on one screen.

                In addition, being able to put all the fields anywhere on the screen (instead of all in one line) makes it more reasonable to put extra wide and/or word wrapped fields on the screen. Doing this allows the user to easily review complex searches to verify them before execution. For example, a standard zip code field would be just large enough to hold one zip code but a real estate company might want to select multiple zip codes for a special mailing list. It is much easier if they have a large zip code field on their search form. This is the reason I often create special 'Find by Form' forms - it makes it easier for the end user.

                Having said all that, it would be nice if pressing Ctrl-F from the browse would automatically switch to the Find-by-Form form. (Typing that makes me feel like I'm stuttering!)


                  RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                  This has proven to be an extremely useful backup script for me. It uses PowerArchiver as the zip utility.
                  PowerArchiver is a freeware zip utility available at It can span multiple disks, and is quite versatile.

                  This script WILL NOT WORK UNLESS
                  1. PowerArchciver is installed as per powerarchivers install program
                  2. You have a directory on the same drive as your application \backup

                  It does both backup and restore.

                  I have left in, but commented out, portions of the script that store the time of my last backup. You can modify or ignore this.

                  (I hope the backslashes appear correctly on this board - I just took the codes of Cal's post..)

                  'Script to Backup Orbit using PowerArchiver
                  'Requires Powerarchiver to be installed to C:\Program Files\PowerArchiver\POWERARC.EXE
                  'Available at as freeware as of creating this script
                  'Also requires you use \backup on the same drive as the application to store backup files.
                  'Sept 25 2000
                  'Stephen Williams

                  ' Check can access PowerArchiver
                  PwrAchvr = "C:\Program Files\PowerArchiver\POWERARC.EXE"
                  if .NOT.file.exists(PwrAchvr)
                  ui_msg_box("Error","Cannot locate PowerArchiver at C:\Program Files\PowerArchiver\POWERARC.EXE"+CHR(13)+CHR(13)+"Please check PowerArchiver has been correctly installed."+CHR(13)+CHR(13)+"Backup Failed",UI_OK+UI_STOP_SYMBOL)
                  end if

                  'Get current path with open wildcard
                  cpath = :A5.Get_Path()
                  bpath = substr(cpath,1,2)+"\Backup" 'backup path is a directory on the same drive as app.

                  'Backup or Resore'''''I keep a record of the last backup, displayed in a text object on my start form
                  'b_tbl = Table.Open("Start.dbf")
                  'Lastb = "Last backup :"+b_tbl.backuptime

                  'BorR = ui_get_list(Lastb,"Back up","Back up","Restore") ' I use this line as it shows the last backup date used
                  BorR = ui_get_list("Backup or Restore","Back up","Back up","Restore") ' This line lacks the Lastb variable (last backup)
                  CASE BorR = "" ' Cancel selected

                  CASE BorR = "Restore" ' Restore, short and sweet
                  rok = ui_msg_box("WARNING!","Continuing will obliterate all the existing data!",UI_OK_CANCEL)
                  if rok = UI_CANCEL_SELECTED
                  end if
                  dir_put(bpath) 'look in backup folder
                  rfile = ui_get_file("Choose backup file to restore","*.zip")
                  If rfile = ""
                  end if
                  sys_shell(PwrAchvr+" -e "+rfile+" "+cpath,1)
                  dir_put(cpath) 'restore active directory to current path

                  CASE BorR = "Back up" ' Backup with options
                  Backf = bpath+"\B"+right(cdate(date()),6)+".ZIP" 'manufacture a file name based on date
                  if file.exists(Backf) 'Have already made a backup today
                  Getok = ui_get_list("Todays backup file already exists",1,"Update it","Replace it", "Make another",UI_OK_CANCEL+UI_ATTENTION_SYMBOL)
                  Case Getok ="" ' selected Cancel
                  Case Getok = "Update it"
                  backopts = " -a -u"
                  sys_shell(PwrAchvr+backopts+" "+Backf+" "+cpath+"\*.*",1)
                  goto datestamp
                  Case Getok = "Replace it"
                  backopts = " -a"
                  sys_shell(PwrAchvr+backopts+" "+Backf+" "+cpath+"\*.*",1)
                  goto datestamp
                  Case Getok = "Make another"
                  backf = ui_get_file("Backup to...",bpath+"\*.zip",backf)
                  if backf ="" 'Cancel selected
                  backopts = " -a"
                  sys_shell(PwrAchvr+backopts+" "+Backf+" "+cpath+"\*.*",1)
                  goto datestamp
                  end if
                  end select
                  else 'Make todays backup
                  backf = ui_get_file("Make backup file","*.zip",backf)
                  if backf = ""
                  end if
                  backopts = " -a"
                  sys_shell(PwrAchvr+backopts+" "+Backf+" "+cpath+"\*.*",1)
                  goto datestamp
                  end if

                  END SELECT


                  datestamp:'This updates my last backup
                  'b_tbl = Table.Open("Start.dbf")
                  'b_tbl.backuptime = Time("MM/dd/yyyy h:m am")


                    RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                    For the last few months, I have been using 'Second Copy 2000'.

                    It is absolutely fabulous and very easy to use, you can even track deleted files!

                    It has so many options, which woiuld take to long to discuss here, but go to:

                    The price is $30 but they have a 30 evaluation.

                    More than worth it,


                      RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                      I'll second that. I have beeen using Second Copy for about two years. The best thing about it is that you can copy entire directories - but ONLY the files that have changed. That makes it ideal for copying my 113MBs and growing database to and from work every weekend, since only the changed files are copied. Now if only the shadow copy could do the same!
                      AlphaBase Solutions, LLC

                      [email protected]


                        RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                        I just downloaded a copy to look at. What appeals to me about PowerArchiver is you can distribute copies with your applications for free - so long as you credit PowerArchiver and do not charge for PowerArchiver. And it works very nicely opening a little window on top of the Alpha screen as it does its work. Looks and feels very professional.


                          RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4


                          Another excellent system for copying/archiving, etc. in WinRar at:

                          It is a direct replacement for WinZip. I find it easy to use. Just select all the files in the folder and right-click to get the WinRar program. Tell it you want a self-extracting EXE and it's done.



                            RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                            Just did a quick WinRar self extracting EXE of an Alpha program.

                            There were 70 Alpha files in the folder = 4.78 megs
                            Winrar self extracting file compressed the
                            above into one file 366KB.

                            Not bad, and your user doesn't need any additional program to unzip.


                              RE: BACKUP ALPHA5 V.4

                              Well then...

                              PowerArchiver compressed my contact demo folder from 1.98 MB to 304KB. It has 39 files. Not as good, maybe...BUT it also is a full replacement for winzip, runs right off the windows file explorer, zips, unzips does self extracts, and its free....

                              I never knew there were so many choices out there...

                              I trust a zip file is a zip file, or more to the point any of these animals (Winzip, WinRar, PowerArchiver etc) can uncrunch the products of the others???

