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Change BMP on report using expression ?

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    Change BMP on report using expression ?

    If someone knows how to do this I won't have to replicate 97 reports just to change a logo . . .

    A5 v4.03 build 243 OR v5 build 268 (or later).

    Depending on which client work is being done for or invoices are being created for, we want to change a bitmap object on the report/invoice to their logo. Is there a way to do this in the report's expression builder (ie : make a calculated field that is a bitmap and change the bitmap based on CLIENT_ID ?) We are testing v5 in a production environment so we could use v5 for this app if any other beta testers have run across a way to do to do this in v5.

    I'll be in the woods in Maine shooting pictures (10/12 - 10/18) so I won't be able to get to the board to see your ideas, but Elliott usually logs on every day or so and can answer any questions that you might have.


    RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

    Conditional object, field in ? table, object choice to display is desired logo?
    There can be only one.


      RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

      The logo isn't a field in a table it's an embedded bitmap.


        RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

        A simple solution is use a generic name for the bitmap, like logo.bmp. Instead of embedding the bitmap, have the form or report look for the file "logo.bmp". Then save whatever logo you want to use as "logo.bmp". If the logo changes, just name the new bitmap "logo.bmp". Since the report, form or whatever looks for a file name, changing the contents of that file makes a easy change across the whole app.

        I have used this in a number of apps for backgrounds, logos, etc. You could even give the user an option to change the background or logo by saving a number of bitmaps and then creating a script to copy the desired bitmap to the name saved as the generic bitmap file.



          RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

          By the way, if you "shoot" a picture, do you have to take it to a taxidermist to get it mounted? Good shooting


            RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

            Your idea is good, except that more than 1 person will be using the app. Unless Operations makes sure that only work (orders, results, updates, and invoice prints/reprints) for 1 client is done for a given day, it would seem that the need for both logos could occur at the same time. I could also see how this might also cause errors (person 1 is causing logo to copy and person 2's script wants to copy the logo but the "file" is in use). (I can hear Operations now talking about hamstringing them.)

            The only way around this and other potential problems that I can see is if I put a directory path (C:/AppName/Bmps) on each workstation and explicitly name the path instead of allowing the network to assume it's on the server. That way your suggestion should work. Will test it when I get back next week. (Was supposed to be on the road a couple hours ago but you know how it is - can't leave a potential programming problem until it looks like it might be solved. Just glad I don't have a laptop, but then again I should worry about catching Coding Withdrawal Syndrome while being out in the wilderness.)


              RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

              Just in case you are now suffering from Coding Withdrawal Syndrome, here is another thought. (The pain and distress will go away shortly) If you are using a shadowed app for each user, aren't all forms, etc stored on the local computer in the shadowed data dictionary? In my apps, I also store the bitmaps in the local computer with the other A5 data files. On forms, etc, I do not specify a path for bitmaps, just enter the bitmap file name. Without a specified path, A5 looks in the local directory, which in the case of a shadowed app is the data path on the local computer. Therefore each shadowed workstation can have specific bitmaps.

              I have one app where two workstations are using different background bitmaps on a menu form for the same app. In both cases the bitmap is stored on the local computer as background.bmp. They are just different pictures.

              You could also store scanned signatures (I am lazy and don't write too gud) and allow each user to select what signature should be placed on a letter.



                RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                What you could do is create a table that has a bitmap field and a cust_id field and just have the report print the bitmap in the table. This way you don't have to worry about any of that path stuff.... Also you said that you were using a beta v5, how can I get my hands on one or sign up to do beta testing ???????


                  RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                  I did this exact thing for a parts manual and it works great. Unfortunately, I'm not where I can get to it right now. I figured I'd post this in case I forget about it. If you don't hear from me by Sunday night, send me an e-mail to jog my memory - or what's left of it!



                    RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?


                    Thanks, Jim is up in the New Hamphsire area taking
                    photos--you know he has every kind of photo devise,
                    camara, lens, filter there is--or so it seems. And he's
                    good at it too.

                    What we are trying to do is private label service. We have done it prior by duplicating forms with different logos on the forms. Now,we have been asked by a competitor to
                    service for them as if we were them. So, on top of
                    doing what we do for our own customers, we will order,
                    provide results and the like to our competitor's customers
                    as if we were them. As a result we need to put their
                    logo on all of our many many reports (order forms, results completion forms, update forms, confirmation forms, invoices
                    and the like). We need to do this automatically and on the
                    fly. As far as the competitor's customers will know, it is our competitor, not us. Isn't technology grand, with caller Id, A5 we have a virtual office...



                      RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                      Just got back last night. Fell victim to Coding Withdrawal Syndrome and rolled down part of a mountain (fortunately a bolder hit me in the shin and stopped me - lots of fun when driving a 5 speed back for 18 hours).

                      Looks like some good ideas. Will try to get to try them out soon. (You know how much stuff gets backed up when you're gone for a week. Have to catch up first.)



                        RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                        If you haven't seen it yet, go to the "Pointer to Pictures" topic. I put the script there - see my first posting that has an envelope next to it.


                        PS: Jim, have you played around with neutral density filters? I used to have fun taking pictures of 'empty' intersections and mall concourses.


                          RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                          As I posted to your original message, I found your method somewhat unreliable in reports. Works great on forms, but on reports it exibited some odd behavior. Copying your script exactly and even changing field and object name to the same as yours didn't change the behavior. I like your method and thing it is very imaginative, but for some reason events don't work as expected in reports. It works fine under the following conditions.

                          1. Report uses only one bitmap file value for the whole report.
                          2. Report uses a different bitmap for each page with only one bitmap per page. This only worked if the report was print previewed first.

                          The method failed under the following conditions.

                          1. Bitmap printed more than once per page with a different file value. Each bitmap displays and prints with the last bitmap found
                          2. Printed directly with no preview. No bitmap files found.

                          The problem seems to be with the OnRecord event. Just to check, I placed a trace.writeln() comment on the OnRecord event. If I printed without a preview, the event did not fire. Print preview did fire the event.

                          Some other interesting things I found from experimentation. It didn't matter if a default bitmap was saved as embedded or as a file. It also didn't matter if the file value was the result of using an object value or a value from a table pointer. In the end, I crreated a field with the file name for the bitmap I wanted to use and ended up with

                          topparent:bitmap1.bitmap.filename = alltrim(table.current().bitmapfile)

                          Worked exactly the same as your script. I really don't think the problem is with your script. It does work.



                            RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?


                            Would you consider sending me your app? Most of your comments sound familiar but I was able to work through them.

                            I'm not sure about multiple records on one page. As I recall, the app I worked on printed only one record per page but it did it quite reliably. (Bill Warner was the main developer - I just worked on this issue.)



                              RE: Change BMP on report using expression ?

                              Attached is a zip file of a test app I played with to test your ideas and other methods. I also found that the object properties method works perfectly on forms, usually on reports with the limitations mentioned in my previous post, and not at all on letters. I don't think the methods are wrong, but the problems are related to how and when A5 fires events. I also found that you can change the object size on forms using object properties, and it works consistently, but it doesn't work at all on forms.

                              Overall, this has been an interesting experiment. The only method that consistently worked everytime on forms, reports, and letters was to link to a file with a bitmap field and insert the bitmap field. This is ok if the number of bitmaps is small and the pictures themselves are not too big.


